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T-701-REM4-14-3 Research Methodology / Aðferðafræði Rannsókna
This is the main page for REM4-14-3
FINAL EXAM: Date TBD, Time TBD, T-701-REM4, Place TBD
Instructors: Kristinn R. Þórisson (KRÞ), Jacky Mallett (JM), Jordi Bieger (JB)
Classroom: M113 on Mondays, V103 on Fridays
NB: For all homework and correspondence sent via email: PLEASE PUT “REM4” SOMEWHERE (anywhere) IN THE TITLE OF YOUR EMAIL, SO IT GETS CLASSIFIED CORRECTLY IN THE INSTRUCTOR'S INBOX. Thanks.
You are expected to have read and thoroughly learned the following texts and topics:
- Research Methodology - a step-by-step guide for beginners (“RM”), Ranjit Kumar - All chapters except Ch10 (and Ch18 if you have the 3rd edition). Emphasis on those listed in the table below. Note: If you learn the contents of this book you should do very well on the final.
- Introductory Readings in the Philosophy of Science (“IRPS”). E.D.Klemke, R. Hollinger, D. W. Rudge and A. D. Kline (Eds.). - Selected chapters (see below).
Nature & Evolution of Science
Thomas Kuhn
- Short overview:
- Longer overview:
- Example of a paradigm shift a la Kuhn:
Logical Positivism
- Short definition:
Karl Popper
- Short overivew:
Imre Lakatos
- Short overview:
- Short summary of his attempt to reconcile Kuhn & Popper:
Use the Stanford Encylopedia of Philosophy and Google to further explore concepts and ideas that we encounter.
Philosophy of Science with humor:
Philosophy of Science useful hub:
There will be a 3-hour written final exam. The topics it will cover are: Experimental designs, Statistics and Philosophy of Science, in the proportions of which these have been emphasized in the lectures.
Class Schedule
Date | Time | Who | Topic | Material | Assignment | Due |
Mon 18.08.2014 | 13:10 - 14:45 | KRÞ | Introduction | |||
Wed 20.08.2014 | KRÞ | First Homework Assignment: Writing Scientific Papers - Pick a topic | P1. Pick topic for your paper | Fri 22.08 | ||
Fri 22.08.2014 | 14:00 - 15:40 | no class | Students are encouraged to attend the lecture by Erik Demaine, from MIT, @14:00, room M104, Reykjavik U. | The Subject of Demaine's lecture is the relationships between art, science, and creativity. | ||
W2 | ||||||
Mon 25.08.2014 | 13:10 - 14:45 | KRÞ | Overview of Key Concepts Writing Papers: Abstracts | Key Concepts Writing papers Abstracts | P2a. Good/Bad Abstract (pass/fail) p2b. Write an Abstract I (pass/fail) | Fri 29.08 |
Fri 29.08.2014 | 14:00 - 15:40 | KRÞ | Writing Papers: Abstracts & Introductions | RM:Ch17 Writing papers Abstracts Introductions How to have your abstract rejected | ||
W3 | ||||||
Mon 01.09.2014 | 13:10 - 14:45 | KRÞ | Writing Papers: Related Work, References Review:P2a, P2b | Related Work, References (5%) | P3. Write an Abstract for your topic (5%) P4. Find paper to use as a template for your own (pass/fail) | 05.09 |
Fri 05.09.2014 | 14:00 - 15:40 | KRÞ | Research Environment: Grants & Authorship | RM:Ch13 Research Grants Paper Author List | ||
W4 | ||||||
Mon 08.09.2014 | 13:10 - 14:45 | KRÞ | Philosophy of Science Review:P3, P4 | Philosophy of Science I IRPS:pp.19-37 | P5. Introduction (5%) | 15.09 |
Fri 12.09.2014 | 14:00 - 15:40 | JB | Thesis Writing Using LateX for writing scientific papers | LateX-14 | LaTeX Reverse Engineering assignment | 22.09.14 |
W5 | ||||||
Mon 15.09.2014 | 13:10 - 14:45 | KRÞ | Philosophy of Science | Philosophy of Science II IRPS:pp.38-65 | ||
Fri 19.09.2014 | 14:00 - 15:40 | KRÞ | Experimental Design Review:P5 | Experimental Designs I RM:Chs.7,8 | ||
W6 | ||||||
Mon 22.09.2014 | 13:10 - 14:45 | JB | LaTeX - hands-on | LateX-14 Excellent talk on Leslie Lamport, Turing Award Winner, by Magnús Már Halldórsson (RU) -- highly recommended for all CS majors | ||
Fri 26.09.2014 | 14:00 - 15:40 | KRÞ | Philosophy of Science | IRPS:Chs.17,18,19,20 Philosophy of Science III | P6. Related Work and References | 06.10 |
W7 | ||||||
Mon 29.09.2014 | 13:10 - 14:45 | JB | Graphing and data presentation | RM:Chs.15,16 | ||
Fri 03.10.2014 | 14:00 - 15:40 | KRÞ | Experimental Design Review:P6 | Experimental Designs II | ||
W8 | ||||||
Mon 06.10.2014 | 13:10 - 14:45 | KRÞ | Writing Papers: Contributions & Results | P7. Contribution, Results (5%) | 17.10 | |
Fri 10.10.2014 | 14:00 - 15:40 | JM | Stats: T-test and linear models | T-Tests and Linear Models | ||
W9 | ||||||
Mon 13.10.2014 | 13:10 - 14:45 | JM | Writing Papers: Conclusions & Future Work | P8. Conclusions (5%) | 03.11 | |
Fri 17.10.2014 | 14:00 - 15:40 | JM | Simulation | TBD | ||
W10 | ||||||
Mon 20.10.2014 | 13:10 - 14:45 | JB | Scales and data display | Scales & Display of Data RM:Ch.15,16 | ||
Fri 24.10.2014 | 14:00 - 15:45 | KRÞ | Reviewing Scientific Papers Review:P7 | Reviewing Scientific Papers | P9. Full paper (5%) | 31.10 |
W11 | ||||||
Mon 27.10.2014 | 13:10 - 14:45 | KRÞ | Presenting Your Work Review:P8 | student presentations | 03.11 | |
Fri 31.10.2014 | 14:00 - 15:40 | KRÞ | Science Ethics | Science Ethics | ||
W12 | ||||||
Mon 03.11.2014 | 13:10 - 14:45 | KRÞ | Student Review of P9 Full Papers | P10. Final full paper (15%) | 07.11 | |
Fri 07.11.2014 | 14:00 - 15:40 | KRÞ | Student Paper Presentations | |||