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I-700-ABMS, Agent-Based Modeling & Simluation, 2008-1

Instructor: Kristinn R. Thórisson
Teaching Assistant: Guðný R. Jónsdóttir
Technology: Guðný R. Jónsdóttir, Eric Nivel
12 Units, full Master's-level course
Classroom: K4

LINKS: Readings | Prior Student Reports | Assignments


This course provides students with theoretical and hands-on training in concepts of emergence and agent-based modeling techniques. Such techniques are increasingly being used to understand activities and information flow in systems where goal-driven elements are mixed with other types of causal relationships – systems such as social organizations, economies and the animal and human mind. Students will learn the basics of this advanced modeling approach and will gain experience in applying it in prototype systems.

Being a methodology course, the material covered includes numerous useful concepts and techniques from artificial intelligence and engineering that are generally applicable to modeling multi-layered, real-world systems; students interested in acquiring general-purpose skills for studying and simulating complex phenomena should find this an extremely valuable course, as should those interested in learning new approaches to understanding human thought and knowledge representation.

  1. Programming experience necessary, proficiency in Java and/or C++
  2. A prior introductory class in one or more of the following is recommended: Artificial intelligence, Economic organization and business models, Simulation techniques, Complexity
  • Final Project (50%); Mini-Projects (20%); Written Exam (20%); Class Participation (10%) = 100%



Tue Jan 08: Introduction to course | KRTh

Thu Jan 10: No Class


Tue Jan 15: Introduction to CDM & Psyclone | KRTh

Thu Jan 14: Software Architecture | KRTh


Tue Jan 22: Overivew of CDM | KRTh

Thu Jan 24: Introduction to Emergence | KRTh


Tue Jan 29: Knowledge and Learning | KRTh

Thu Jan 31: Basic Principles of Economics | RJS


Tue Feb 05: Introduction to the RJS-KRTh innovation simulation model | KRTh, GRJ

  • Emergence Mini-Project presentation
    • ABMS exploration: Modules, monitoring, distributed setup

Thu Feb 07: Current ABMS model - overview | KRTh, GRJ


Tue Feb 12: LAB | KRTh,GRJ

  • Scaling Mini-Project presentation
  • ABMS exploration: Modules, monitoring, distributed setup

Thu Feb 14: Final Project overview / Creation of tasks / Experiment w/current model | KRTh, GRJ


Tue Feb 19: LAB: Design Session - Following CDM-S | KRTh, GRJ

Thu Feb 21: LAB: Design Session - Following CDM-S | KRTh, GRJ

  • Definition of version 1.0
  • Task assignments: Division of labor for model implementation and evaluation of version 1.0


Tue Feb 26: LAB - Version 1.0 implementation | GRJ

Thu Feb 28: LAB - Version 1.0 implementation | GRJ


Tue Mar 04: LAB - Version 1.0 implementation | KRTh, GRJ

Thu Mar 06: Integration Session 1 | KRTh, GRJ


Tue Mar 11: LAB - Version 2.0 design | GRJ, KRTh

Thu Mar 13: LAB - Version 2.0 implementation | KRTh, GRJ


Tue Mar 18: Integration Session 2 | KRTh

Thu Mar 20: Easter holiday


Tue Mar 25: Easter holiday

Thu Mar 27: LAB - Version 2.0 implementation cleanup / prep for writeup | KRTh, GRJ


Tue Apr 1: LAB - Version 2.0 implementation cleanup / prep for writeup | KRTh, GRJ

Thu Apr 3: Final integration session / Discussion and reflection on course | KRTh, GRJ

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