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Instructor: Kristinn R. Thórisson
Teaching Assistant: Deon Garrett
8 ECTS Units, full Master's-level course
Days: Tuesdays & Fridays
Time: 12:20 - 14:00
Classroom: M112

Course Description

The course focuses on recent advances in holistic intelligence architectures, often called artificial general intelligence (AGI). At the core are questions originally asked by the founders of the field, such as Turing, Minsky and others, in the very early days of the field: What is intelligence? and How can we implement intelligence in a machine? Issues related to intelligence architecture, system autonomy, realtime attention, anytime planning, and model-based knowledge representation, with concepts from systems theory, autopoiesis, constructivist AI, and cybernetics providing key foundational concepts. Historical background and relevant topics from constructionist AI (good old-fashioned AI) provide a backdrop to the challenge building of more autonomous and self-contained intelligent systems; relevance of AGI to autonomous robotics and systems operating in the real-world will be discussed.



After taking the course, diligently attended the classes, thoroughly read reading and homework assignments,



Note: This assignment outline is indicative only; until September 31st some details of these assignments, and their percentage of total grade, may be changed.

Class Discussions

Small Programming Projects

Short Essay

Final Exam

Schedule for Hand-Ins



Aug Tue 22: Introduction to T-720-ATAI
Aug Fri 24: What is artificial general intelligence? | Readings:

Aug Tue 28: What is intelligence? | Readings:

Aug Fri 31: What is intelligence? | Remember to post 2 questions to the forum | Readings:


Sep Tue 04: Requirements: How do we build an intelligent machine? | Readings:

Sep Fri 07: Methodology: How do we build an intelligent machine? | Readings:

Sep Tue 11: What is constructionist AI? | Readings:

Sep Fri 14: Why is architecture critical in AI? | Readings:

Sep Tue 18: How is architecture important in AI?

Sep Fri 21: What architectures have been built? | Readings:

Sep Tue 25: NC
Sep Fri 28: NC


Oct Tue 02: What is NARS? | Readings:

Oct Fri 05: Intro to Prolog and NARS | Instructor: Deon Garrett | Readings:

Oct Tue 09: Intro to NARS | Instructor: Deon Garrett | Readings:

Oct Fri 12: What is constructivist AI? | Remember to post 3 questions to the forum | Readings:

Oct Tue 16: What is constructivist AI? - part 2 | Readings:

Oct Fri 19: What is emergence and how is it relevant to AGI? | Readings:

Oct Tue 23: More on constructivist AI | Readings:

Oct Fri 26: AGI Programming Assignments session | Instructor: Deon Garrett

Oct Tue 30: Attention | Instructor: Helgi Páll Helgason | Readings:


Nov Fri 02: Flexible resource management: Attention for AGIs | Instructor: Helgi Páll Helgason | Readings:

Nov Tue 06: Autonomy | Instructor: Helgi Páll Helgason | Readings:

Nov Tue 09: No Class

Nov Fri 13: Topics in AGI: What is creativity? | Readings:

Nov Fri 16: Situatedness, embodiment, and embededness | Readings:

Nov Tue 20: Topics in constructivist AI architectures: Self-representation | Readings:

Nov Fri 23: AGI Programming Assignments session | Instructor: Deon Garrett

Nov Tue 27: How do we measure and evaluate AGIs? | Readings:

Nov Fri 30: What is the AERA system? & Course Review | Readings:


Dec Wed 05: Final Exam, 14:00-16:00, in V201