Student Paper Topics
Andreas Brauner:
Birna Íris Jónsdóttir: Vision in prosthetic knee systems - how additional vision in the artificial intelligence drives prostheses would or would not add efficiency in usage
Bjarki Elías Kristjánsson: Generic GPU-Accelerated Video Decoding | Template: Design of Flash-Based DBMS: An In-Page Logging Approach
Börkur Guðjónsson: Áhrif vals forritunarmáls á árangur forritunarverkefnis
Daníel Brandur Sigurgeirsson: Handball and statistics: when is a game won?
Gunnar Kristinn Vilbergsson: Automated traffic monitoring via computer vision
Haukur Kristinsson: Better performance on your database by bypassing operation system's file system buffer cache
Klaus Nørregaard:
Kristleifur Daðason:
Martha Dís Brandt: Iridology - what causes changes in a person's eye color
Max Petzelbauer:
Sigurður Karl Magnússon:
Þór Sigurðsson: