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T-720-ATAI-2018 Main


Lecture Notes W3

Task-Environments: Key Concepts

Task A Problem that can be assigned. Typically comes with Instructions (guide to Solutions).
Problem A Goal with (all) relevant constraints (≈ requirements).
Problem Family A set of problems that are similar in some (important) ways; a Problem plus variations of that Problem.
Goal A (future) State to be attained, plus optional constraints on the Goal.
State A set of values (with error bounds) for a set of variables relevant to a Goal.
Environment A set of constraints relevant to a Task but not counted as part of a Task proper.
World A set of constraints that a set of Environments have in common.
Constraint A set of factors that limit the flexibility of that which it constrains.
Solution The set of (atomic) actions that can achieve a Goal.
Action The changes an Agent can make to variables relevant to a Task-Environment.
Plan A partial way to accomplish a Task.
Instructions Partial Plan for accomplishing a Task, typically given to an Agent along with a Task by a Teacher.
Teacher The Agent assigning a Task to another Agent (student), optionally in charge of Instructions.

Task-Environment Constraints

Solution Constraint Reduces the flexibility for producing a Solution.
Task Constraint Limits the allowed Solution Space for a Problem. Can help or hinder a Task to be achieved.
Solution Space The amount of variation allowed on a State while still counting as a Solution to a Problem.
Task Space The size of variations on a Task that would have be explored with no up-front knowledge or information about the Solution Space of a Problem.

Limited Time & Energy

Task All tasks have a limited time & energy: No Task exists that can be performed with infinite energy, or for for which infinite time is available for achieving.
LTE Limited Time & Energy.

Problems in Task-Environments

Closed Problem May be assigned as a Task with known Time & Energy for achieving a solution.
Example Doing the dishes.
Plans for Closed problems Can be reliably produced for closed problems, e.g. in the form of Instructions.
Open Problem A Problem whose solution is unknown and cannot be obviously assumed from analogy with similar problems whose solution is known. Cannot be guaranteed a solution with LTE.
Example Any research problem for which no known solution exists.
Plans for Open problems Cannot be reliably produced.

2018©K. R. Thórisson


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