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Superhumanoid One (S1)
PI: Kristinn R. Thórisson
Students: Guðný Ragna Jónsdóttir, Ársæll Jóhannsson, Vignir Hafsteinsson, Ágúst Hlynur Hólmgeirsson
Subprojects: SuperRadioHost, SuperBody
Our first Superhumanoid is S1. The main scientific focus areas of S1 are:
- Task, Action, sentence and speech planning
- We are especially interested in how high numbers of heterogeneous modules can achieve emergent behaviors through intelligent architecting
- Dynamic, highly flexible turntaking: Able to handle interrupts (limited to 2 participants)
- Constructionist AI methodology: How far can we go in creating a very large-scale system with a small team?
The first incarnation of S1 will take the form of an autonomous radio show host, radio host, which constitutes the first phase of the Superhumanoids project. In continuation we will marry S1 with a virtual body (see pictures on the Superbody page) and multimodal skills to create S2, which will have the ability to gesture and move in coordination with its speech and interaction with people. We will also give him the ability to see, and a better sense of hearing.