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  • Fixed variables that depend on the Industry
    • Fixed Costs (kr ? $)
    • Revenues per unit (kr ? $)
    • Cost of inputs per unit (kr ? $)
    • Carbon released per unit (g ?)usually used 1000 tonn units.
  • Module independent fixed variables
    • Production capacity (Units) What is the definition if Unit?
    • Nr of units sold /Not carbon (Number) Assume everything gets sold.
  • Orginal equations
    • Profit = (Revenues per unit - Cost per unit) * Nr of units sold - Fixed costs (kr ? $)
    • Cost per unit = Cost of inputs per unit + Carbon release per unit * Cost of Carbon (kr ? $)
  • Other equations
    • Cost of Carbon = (Cost of Carbon * Carbon units owned + Cost of bought Carbon * unit bought)/(Carbon units owned + units bought)
    • Max Units Produced with owned Carbon = owned Carbon / Carbon released per unit
    • Max Carbon usage = Carbon release per unit * Production capacity
    • Nr of units sold = min(Max Units Produced with owned Carbon , Production capacity, demand)
  • Buy/Sell
    • If (Max Carbon usage > Owned carbon) Buy difference (Units)
    • If (Max Carbon usage < Owned carbon) Sell difference (Units)
    • If (Carbon release per unit * Cost of Carbon > Revenues per unit - Cost per unit) Sell
      • Pays better off to sell the quota than to produse units.

Units 1000 tons of CO2 equivalent values.

  • Definition of units by sectors
    • Fish = Tons (of fish!)
    • Road = number of cars
    • Air = number of seats
    • Heavy = Tons of production
    • Agriculture = Tons of produced things.
  • Fixed revenue curve !!!!! (x + b(a - y)/y) * random !!!!!! tweek this around
    • x = fixed number for each industry.
    • y = number of units sold.
    • a = turning value
    • b = number to make the number of units matter more.


  • Revenues per unit by sectors
    • Fish = 67.277.674.000/ 1.885.989 = 35.672 kr.
    • Road = 111.147 kr. (!!MIÐAÐ VIÐ HÖFÐATÖLU!!)
    • Heavy = 41.648.700.000 /286.022 = 145.613 kr
    • Agriculture = 248.162 kr (2003 per tonn) – (Estimated from table 8.11 in “framleiðsla búvara” and 12,5 in “rekstrar og efnahagsyfirlit” on
  • Fixed Costs ( for the profit calculations) ??How can we find this??
    • Fish = 20.482.000.000
    • Road = 12.476.173.500 (!!AVERAGE!!X2)
    • Air =
    • Heavy = ??? (Assummption 36% of revenue)
    • Agriculture = 3.982.694.000 (Have only found numbers about cattle and sheep production)ölur2007-vefur/$file/Hagtölur2007-vefur.pdf

  • Production (2003-2004)
    • Fish = 1.885.989 tons
    • Road = 189.813 number of cars
    • Air = 373.728 number of passengers
    • Heavy = 286.022 tons
    • Agriculture = 178.589 tons
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