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Schedule from March to September 2013


  • Week days in the entries are listed from Monday to Sunday
  • Missing deliverables and deadlines in this schedule:
    1. FIXME Conference venue to submit paper about applications work (see details below)
    2. FIXME Journal to submit paper about the whole phd work
  • The two deliverables for the final thesis work, Virtual reykjavik agents and RU greeting agent, refer to two applications of the previous research studies that I have conducted. They will feature a FML/BML compliant software module that will make use of the previous results.
  • More details:
    1. Virtual Reykjavik agents is an online virtual learning evnironment populated by ECAs to learn Icelndic language and culture in 3D downtown reykjavik
    2. RU greeting agent is a virtual kiosk agent (Tinker style) that will annonuce events of the day to students as they approach. It will be placed in the main hall of reykjavik university.


Week Deadline Deliverable
MAR 04-10
MAR 11-17
MAR 18-24
MAR 25-31
APR 01-07
APR 08-14
APR 15-21
APR 22-28 :?: Tinker data analysis
APR-MAY 29-05
MAY 06-12
MAY 13-19
MAY 20-26 May 24: ICMI13 paper (for Tinker work)
MAY-JUN 27-02 1. Virtual Reykjavik Agents
2. RU Greeting Agent
JUN 03-09
JUN 10-16
JUN 17-23
JUN 24-30
JUL 01-07 :?: July 1: Journal paper (for AlwaysOn work).
Technologies for Affect and Wellbeing.
Special Issue of the IEEE Transaction on Affective Computing
JUL 08-14
JUL 15-21
JUL 22-28 Jul 28: Dissertation draft to committee
AUG 05-11
AUG 12-18 Aug 12: Thesis committee comments ready for me
AUG 19-25 Aug 25: Dissertation to thesis examiner
AUG-SEP 26-01
SEP 02-08
SEP 09-15
SEP 16-22
SEP 23-29 Sep 27 (preferably): Final defense
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