Table of Contents


Instructor: Kristinn R. Thórisson
Teaching Assistants: TBD
8 ECTS Units, full Master's-level course
Readings: Readings in SC-T-720-ATAI-18
Lecture Notes: Lecture Notes in CS-T-720-ATAI-18
Days: Mondays | Time: 14:00-14:45 / 14:55-15:40 | Classroom: M108
Class Schedule: See Canvas
Discussions: SC-T-720-ATAI-18 on Piazza

Course Description

The course focuses on the phenomenon of intelligence and how to create a truly intelligent machine. In the past 10-15 years attempts to answer this question has been have been made under the rubric of artificial general intelligence (AGI), developmental robotics and cognitive robotics. Looking further into the future than allowed by mere linear extrapolations of popular technologies being applied in various industries today, the course centers on the issues of intelligence architecture, system autonomy, realtime attention, anytime planning, model-based knowledge representation, and what could be considered holistic integration issues. Ideas from systems theory, constructivist AI, control theory and cybernetics provide a conceptual foundation. The course takes inspiration from the questions asked by the founders of the field of A.I., e.g. Turing, McCarthy, Minsky and others, – What is intelligence? and How can we implement intelligence in a machine? – as well as the ideas of cyberneticians and early pioneers of systems science. Historical background and relevant topics from constructionist AI (“good old-fashioned AI”) provide a contrasting backdrop for our treatment of how to build more autonomous and self-contained intelligent systems than possible with today's methods. Relevance of AGI to autonomous robotics and systems operating in the physical world will be addressed.

Prerequisites & Requirements


After taking the course, diligently attendeding the classes and doing the assignments, thoroughly reading, and actively participating in discussions, students should be able to:


Note: This assignment outline is indicative only; until Sept. 30st some details of these assignments, and their percentage of total grade, may change. Please take note of announcements on Canvas.

Small Projects

These will be given in the first half of the course.

Class Discussions

This will be pursued in the second half of the course.

Final Project

Final Exam