FAIM Workshop on

Architectures and Evaluation for Generality, Autonomy & Progress in AI

July 15, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden

1st International Workshop held in conjunction with IJCAI-ECAI 2018, AAMAS 2018 and ICML 2018

Call for Papers

Architectures and Evaluation for Generality, Autonomy & Progress in AI

Call for Papers

The Joint Workshop on Architectures and Evaluation for Generality, Autonomy and Progress in AI (AEGAP) focuses on our field's original grand dream: the creation of cognitive autonomous agents with general intelligence that matches (or exceeds) that of humans. We want AI that understands its users and their values so it we can form beneficial and satisfying relationships with them.

In 2018, it is about three decades since John McCarthy published a new version of his 1971 Turing Award Lecture on “Generality in Artificial Intelligence”. Since he coined the term "Artificial Intelligence", the field has come a long way. Progress has certainly been made as AI grew from a niche science to a multi-billion dollar endeavor that solves many tasks and a household term that is often viewed to be the future of everything. However, it is not clear how much progress has been made exactly, and especially with respect to AI's grand dream.

As the task turned out to be more difficult than anticipated in the 1950s, a divide-and-conquer approach was adopted that has resulted in a very successful but fractured field. AEGAP aims to bring together researchers from different sub-disciplines to discuss how the different approaches and techniques can contribute to the goal of building beneficial AI with high levels of generality and autonomy. To achieve this goal we will likely need to build large-scale, complex and dynamic architectures that can integrate bottom-up and top-down approaches. One hopeful avenue may be to combine logic- or rule-based top-down approaches with neuroscience-inspired bottom-up approaches, so that intelligence might emerge from their interplay.

This cannot be done without methods for evaluating the different approaches to AI as they exist now and are developed in the future. While we can readily see the performance of AI systems in specific domains, it is more difficult to assess progress in AI, ML and autonomous agents when we put the focus on generality and autonomy. Real progress in this direction only takes place when a system exhibits enough autonomous flexibility to find a diversity of solutions for a range of tasks, some of which may not be known until after the system is deployed. Many evaluation platforms exist (see here), but open research questions remain about how to define batteries or curricula of tasks that capture notions such as generality, transfer or learning to learn, with gradients of difficulty that actually represent the progress we want to make in several directions. The question of fully autonomous reproducibility must also be understood as the goals become more open and general.

We welcome regular papers, short papers, demo papers about benchmarks or tools, and position papers, and encourage discussions over a broad list of topics. As AEGAP is the result of a merger between the Third Workshop on Evaluating Generality and Progress in Artificial Intelligence (EGPAI), the Second Workshop on Architectures for Generality & Autonomy (AGA) and the First Workshop on General AI Architecture of Emergence and Autonomy (AAEA), we are interested in submissions on both evaluation and architectures:


Key Information:

Sunday July 15th
Room C8, Stockholmsmässan
Mässvägen 1, Älvsjö, Stockholm, Sweden

Paper & Demo submission:

Due date:
April 26th
Notification date:
May 20th
Camera-ready date:
June 21st
Submission system:





  • Analysis, comparisons and proposals of AI/ML benchmarks and competitions. Lessons learnt.
  • Theoretical or experimental accounts of the space of tasks, abilities and their dependencies.
  • Tasks and methods for evaluating: transfer learning, cognitive growth, development, cumulative learning, structural self-modification and self-programming.
  • Conceptualisations and definitions of generality or abstraction in AI / ML systems.
  • Unified theories for evaluating intelligence and other cognitive abilities, independently of the kind of subject (humans, animals or machines): universal psychometrics.
  • Evaluation of conversational bots, dialogue systems and personal assistants.
  • Evaluation of common sense, reasoning, understanding, causal relations.
  • Evaluation of multi-agent systems in competitive and cooperative scenarios, evaluation of teams, approaches from game theory.
  • Better understanding of the characterisation of task requirements and difficulty (energy, time, trials needed...), beyond algorithmic complexity. Item generation. Item Response Theory (IRT).
  • Evaluation of AI systems using generalised cognitive tests for humans. Computer models taking IQ tests. Psychometric AI.
  • Assessment of replicability, reproducibility and openness in AI / ML systems.
  • Evaluation methods for multiresolutional perception in AI systems and agents. Analysis of progress scenarios, AI progress forecasting, associated risks.


  • Analysis of requirements for autonomy and generality
  • Design proposals for cognitive architectures targeting generality and/or autonomy
  • Complex layered networked systems and architectures
  • Synergies between AI approaches
  • Integration of top-down and bottom-up approaches (e.g. logic-based and neural-inspired)
  • Emergence of (symbolic) logic from neural networks
  • New programming languages relevant to generality and autonomy
  • New methodologies relevant to generality and autonomy
  • New architectural principles relevant to generality and autonomy
  • Complex (e.g. layered, hierarchical or recursive) network architectures for generality and autonomy
  • New theoretical insights relevant to generality and autonomy
  • Motivation (intrinsic, extrinsic) for enabling autonomous behavior selection and learning
  • Analysis of the potential and limitations of existing approaches
  • Methods to achieve general ((super)human-like) performance
  • Methods for epigenetic development
  • Baby machines and experience-based, continuous, online learning
  • Seed-based programming and self-programming
  • Education for systems with general intelligence and high levels of autonomy
  • Understanding and comprehension
  • Reasoning and common-sense
  • Acquisition of causal models
  • Cumulative knowledge acquisition
  • Curiosity, emotion and motivation for enabling autonomous behavior and knowledge acquisition
  • Meta-planning, reflection and self-improvement
  • Principles of swarm intelligence for generality and autonomy


Dr. Oren Etzioni

Oren Etzioni is Chief Executive Officer of the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence. He has been a Professor at the University of Washington's Computer Science department since 1991, receiving several awards including Seattle's Geek of the Year (2013), the Robert Engelmore Memorial Award (2007), the IJCAI Distinguished Paper Award (2005), AAAI Fellow (2003), and a National Young Investigator Award (1993). He has been the founder or co-founder of several companies, including Farecast (sold to Microsoft in 2008) and Decide (sold to eBay in 2013). He has written commentary on AI for The New York Times, Nature, Wired, and the MIT Technology Review. He helped to pioneer meta-search (1994), online comparison shopping (1996), machine reading (2006), and Open Information Extraction (2007). He has authored over 100 technical papers that have garnered over 1,800 highly influential citations on Semantic Scholar. He received his Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University in 1991 and his B.A. from Harvard in 1986.

Talk: Learning Common Sense: a Grand Challenge for Academic AI Research

Abstract: In a world where Google, Facebook, and others possess massive proprietary data sets, and unprecedented computational power—how is a graduate student to make a dent in the universe? I’ll address this conundrum by re-visiting one of the holy grails of AI: acquiring, representing, and utilizing common-sense knowledge. Can we leverage modern methods including deep learning, NLP, and crowd sourcing to build AI systems that are more general, more robust to adversarial examples, and more data efficient than today’s AI savants?

Dr. Tadahiro Taniguchi

Tadahiro Taniguchi has been a Professor at the College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University since 2017. He has also been a Visiting General Chief Scientist, AI solution center, Panasonic since 2017. He has been engaged in research on machine learning, cognitive robotics, emergent systems, and intelligent vehicles. Main focus his research is about symbol emergence in robotics, ranging from behavioral learning to language acquisition. From September 2015 to September 2016, he was a Visiting Associate Professor at Imperial College London. He serves on the editorial board of Advanced Robotics and Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence. He is also a member of the Cognitive and Developmental Systems Technical Committee, and the Emergent Technologies Technical Committee of the IEEE. He received the ME and Ph.D. degrees from Kyoto University, in 2003 and 2006, respectively.

Talk: Symbol Emergence in Robotics: Towards Architecture for Embodied Developmental General Artificial Intelligence

Abstract: Computational models that can reproduce human developmental and long-term learning processes have been widely explored. However, we have not obtained a computational model that enables a robot to learn internal representation systems and linguistic communication capabilities, i.e. symbol systems, automatically in the real-world environment. Symbol emergence in robotics is a research field in which cognitive models that form symbol or representation systems in a bottom-up manner. In this talk, I will talk about symbol emergence in robotics and its related topics. I introduce nonparametric hierarchical Bayesian methods for unsupervised word discovery, spatial concept formation, and perceptual category formation. To create an embodied developmental general artificial intelligence, we need an appropriate architecture to integrate many unsupervised-learning-based cognitive modules. I also talk about our approach toward cognitive architecture.



The program will consist of invited talks, contributed talks, and group discussions. The order of the contributed talks may be subject to change.

Time Event
8:45-9:45Invited Talk: Oren Etzioni
9:45-10:00 Contributed Talk
Enrique Fernández-Macías, Emilia Gómez, José Hernández-Orallo, Bao Sheng Loe, Bertin Martens, Fernando Martínez-Plumed and Songül Tolan
A multidisciplinary task-based perspective for evaluating the impact of AI autonomy and generality on the future of work
10:00-10:30Coffee break
10:30-11:15 Contributed Talks
Claes Strannegård, Wen Xu and Niklas Engsner
Evolution and Learning in Generic Animats
Justin Svegliato and Shlomo Zilberstein
Adaptive Metareasoning for Bounded Rational Agents
Nicolas Bougie and Ryutaro Ichise
Rule-based Reinforcement Learning augmented by External Knowledge
11:15-11:45Panel Discussion
Are consciousness and self the missing ingredients for true generality and autonomy?
11:45-12:30 Contributed Talks
Selmer Bringsjord, Naveen Sundar Govindarajulu, Atriya Sen, Matthew Peveler, Biplav Srivastava and Kartik Talamadupula
Tentacular Artificial Intelligence, and the Architecture Thereof, Introduced
Kristinn R. Thórisson and Arthur Talbot
Abduction, Deduction & Causal-Relational Models
Jisha Maniamma and Hiroaki Wagatsuma
Human Abduction for Solving Puzzles to Find Logically Explicable Rules to Discriminate Two Picture Groups Ostracized Each Other: An Ontology-based Model
14:00-15:00Invited Talk: Tadahiro Taniguchi
15:00-15:30 Contributed Talks
Eray Özkural
The Foundations of Deep Learning with a Path Towards General Intelligence
Eray Özkural
Omega: An Architecture for AI Unification
15:30-16:00Coffee break
16:00-16:30 Contributed Talks
Adam Liška, Germán Kruszewski and Marco Baroni
Memorize or generalize? Searching for a compositional RNN in a haystack
Patrick Hammer
Data Mining by Non-Axiomatic Reasoning
16:30-16:55OpenNARS Demo
16:55-17:25 Contributed Talks
Nader Chmait
Using propensity score matching for bias-reduction in the comparison of performance between AI agents
Jordi Bieger and Kristinn R. Thórisson
Requirements for General Intelligence: A Case Study in Trustworthy Cumulative Learning for Air Traffic Control
17:25-17:55Group Discussion
17:55-18:00Closing Words


Papers were accepted after being peer reviewed by 1-2 reviewers per paper.

PaperJustin Svegliato and Shlomo Zilberstein
Adaptive Metareasoning for Bounded Rational Agents
Paper Adam Liška, Germán Kruszewski and Marco Baroni
Memorize or generalize? Searching for a compositional RNN in a haystack
Paper Nicolas Bougie and Ryutaro Ichise
Rule-based Reinforcement Learning augmented by External Knowledge
Paper Nader Chmait
Using propensity score matching for bias-reduction in the comparison of performance between AI agents
Paper Enrique Fernández-Macías, Emilia Gómez, José Hernández-Orallo, Bao Sheng Loe, Bertin Martens, Fernando Martínez-Plumed and Songül Tolan
A multidisciplinary task-based perspective for evaluating the impact of AI autonomy and generality on the future of work
Paper Claes Strannegård, Wen Xu and Niklas Engsner
Evolution and Learning in Generic Animats
Paper Patrick Hammer
Data Mining by Non-Axiomatic Reasoning
Paper Selmer Bringsjord, Naveen Sundar Govindarajulu, Atriya Sen, Matthew Peveler, Biplav Srivastava and Kartik Talamadupula
Tentacular Artificial Intelligence, and the Architecture Thereof, Introduced
Paper Jordi Bieger and Kristinn R. Thórisson
Requirements for General Intelligence: A Case Study in Trustworthy Cumulative Learning for Air Traffic Control
Paper Jisha Maniamma and Hiroaki Wagatsuma
Human Abduction for Solving Puzzles to Find Logically Explicable Rules to Discriminate Two Picture Groups Ostracized Each Other: An Ontology-based Model
Paper Eray Özkural
The Foundations of Deep Learning with a Path Towards General Intelligence
Paper Eray Özkural
Omega: An Architecture for AI Unification
Paper Kristinn R. Thórisson and Arthur Talbot
Abduction, Deduction & Causal-Relational Models


General AI Architecture of Emergence & Autonomy

Dr. Satoshi Kurihara (contact)

University of Electro-Communications, Japan

Dr. Kenji Doya

Okinawa Institute for Science and Technology, Japan

Dr. Itsuki Noda

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan

Dr. Hiroaki Wagatsuma

Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan

Dr. Tadahiro Taniguchi

Ritsumeikan University, Japan

Dr. Hiroshi Yamakawa

University of Tokyo & Dwango AI Lab, Japan

Architectures for Generality & Autonomy

Dr. Kristinn R. Thórisson (contact)

Reykjavik University & Icelandic Institute for Intelligent Machines, Iceland

Dr. Pei Wang

Temple University, U.S.

Dr. Claes Strannegård

Chalmers University of Technology & University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Dr. Antonio Chella

University of Palermo, Italy

Dr. Lola Cañamero

University of Hertfordshire, U.K.

Jordi Bieger

Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands &
Reykjavik University, Iceland

Evaluation of Generality & Progress in AI

Dr. José Hernández-Orallo (contact)

Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain

Dr. Seán Ó hÉigeartaigh

Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, U.K.

Dr. Nader Chmait

Victoria University, Australia

Dr. Fernando Martínez-Plumed

Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain

Dr. Shahar Avin

Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, U.K.

Program Committee

Eizo Akiyama Tsukuba University, Japan
Joscha Bach Harvard University, U.S.
Marco Baroni Facebook AI Research, U.S.
Tarek Richard Besold City University of London, U.K.
Jordi Bieger Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands & Reykjavik University, Iceland
Selmer Bringsjord Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, U.S.
Miles Brundage University of Oxford, U.K.
Lola Cañamero University of Hertfordshire, U.K.
Antonio Chella University of Palermo, Italy
Virginia Dignum Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Haris Dindo Yewno & University of Palermo, Italy
David Dowe Monash University, Australia
Kenji Doya Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Emmanuel Dupoux EHESS, France
Jan Feyereisl AI Roadmap Institute & GoodAI, Czech Republic
Patrick Hammer Temple University, U.S.
Helgi P. Helgason Activity Stream, Iceland
Bernhard Hengst University of New South Wales, Australia
Sean Holden University of Cambride, U.K.
Hidenori Kawamura Hokkaido University, Japan
David Kremelberg Icelandic Institute for Intelligent Machines, Iceland
Satoshi Kurihara Keio University, Japan
Othalia Larue Wright State University, U.S.
Ramon Lopez de Mantaras AI Research Institute or the Spanish National Research Council, Spain
Richard Mallah Future of Life Institute, U.S.
Tomas Mikolov Facebook AI Research, U.S.
Itsuki Noda National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
Frans A. Oliehoek University Of Liverpool, U.K.
Satoshi Ono Kagoshima University, Japan
Laurent Orseau DeepMind, U.K.
Ricardo B.C. Prudencio Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
Gavin Rens University of Cape Town, South Africa
Hiroyuki Sato University of Electro-Communications, Japan
Ute Schmid Universität Bamberg, Germany
Murray Shanahan Imperial College London & DeepMind, U.K.
Carles Sierra IIIA-CSIC, Spain & UT Sydney, Australia
Jim Spohrer IBM Research, U.S.
Bas Steunebrink NNAISENSE, Switzerland
Claes Strannegård Chalmers University of Technology & University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Reiji Suzuki Nagoya University, Japan
Tadahiro Taniguchi Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Kristinn R. Thórisson Reykjavik University & Icelandic Institute for Intelligent Machines, Iceland
Hiroaki Wagatsuma Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
Pei Wang Temple University, U.S.
Hiroshi Yamakawa Dwango Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Japan
Masahito Yamamoto Hokkaido University, Japan


Papers should be between 2 and 12 pages (excluding references) and describe the authors' original work in full (no extended abstracts). Formatting Guidelines, LaTeX Styles and MS Word Template can be downloaded from here. Papers will be subjected to peer-review and can be accepted for oral presentation and/or poster presentation. For papers that have previously been submitted to IJCAI and rejected, we ask authors to append the reviews and their responses to aid our review process.

Proposals for Demonstrations should be accompanied with a 2-page description for inclusion in the workshop's pre-proceedings. Examples include, but are not limited to: (interactively) demonstrating new tests or benchmarks, or the performance of a robot, (cognitive) architecture or design methodology.

Oral presentations should be given by one of the authors during one of the Contributed Talks Sessions.

Accepted papers will be gathered into a volume of pre-proceedings and published on this website before the workshop. We are looking into the possibility of producing a special issue for an archival journal.