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Structure of Abstracts
Lead-in | 1 sentence - a kind of introduction. “The shortest introduction possible.” |
Key Problem Area | Very early in the abstract should contain a short explanation of the problem you are addressing. Make sure you describe it at the right level of detail (not too general, not too specific: Your work answers some questions: This is the right level of detail for your motivation. |
Key Motivation | Why did you do this work? |
Method | How did you do this work? |
Results | What were your results? |
(Conclusion) | (Sometimes authors choose to include 1 or 2 sentences on the main message of your work described in this paper.) |
General Guidelines
Keep it simple! | No one ever faulted a scientific paper for being too easy to read or having too simple wording or sentence structure. |
Keep it concise | The abstract is the most polished part, wording wise, of scientific papers. |
As simple as possible but not simpler | Make sure it's easy to read but says everything. |
/var/www/ · Last modified: 2024/04/29 13:33 (external edit)