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Lab 1

Hand in your code in MySchool before midnight today (20 August). A single .py file containing the code in the same order as the given problems. If you can't manage to complete a particular problem please hand in your incomplete code – comment it out if it produces an error.

1. Getting to know some helpful functions

#Use dir() to see the names that exist in the current scope.
#You can use help() to see what dir does.
#Now define three variables and a list. Feel free to change the values:
my_str = "This is an ordinary string"
my_int = 5
my_float = 4.6
my_list = ['A','B','C','D']
#Use dir() again. Has anything changed?
#Use type() to see the type of each.
#Now use dir on the four types you defined.
#Most of the names are functions that can be applied to the types.
#For example dir(my_str) lists 'upper' so its possible to do the following:
#You can use help to see what each function does:
#Use dir and help to select one function to apply to each of the variables
#and the list.

Return the your code for applying the functions you selected. Note to use print(my_…) to show the change the function made if it does not return a value.

2. Naive is_male

#Define a very simple and naive function to check if an Icelandic proper name belongs to a male.
def is_male(proper_name):
	return #add code here

Example usage:

>>> is_male("Örvar Kárason")
>>> is_male("Glódís Káradóttir")
>>> is_male("Gillian Anderson")
>>> is_male("Tucson")
>>> is_male("a person")

Can you improve the function so it at least handles the false positives in the example above?

3. Replace bad with good

Define a function that takes a string (text), list (bad_list) and an optional string (good_str) as arguments. It should return the text-string where all occurances of the string items on the bad-list-list have been replaced by the good-string.

def str_replace(text, bad_list, good=''):
    #add code here
    return text

Example usage:

>>> str_replace("Duck", ['u','c'], '*')
>>> str_replace("Python has strange rules!", ['strange ','has '])
'Python rules!'

4. NLTK functions

import nltk

Apply NLTK functions to do the following:

  • Import text6 from nltk
  • Show the concordance of the word “coconut”
  • Find words occuring in similar contexts to “coconut”
  • Find the collocations in text6

5. NLTK coding

Write code to do the following with the NLTK:

6. A dictionary of rules

You are given a dictionary (string:list) of CFG production rules. Make some changes to the rules and then print them nicely.

rules = {"S": ["NP VP"],
         "VP": ["V NP"],
         "NP": ["Det N", "Adj NP"],
         "N": ["boy", "girl"],
         "V": ["sees", "likes"],
         "Adj": ["big", "small"],
         "Det": ["a", "the"]}
#Add code to add the verb "hates" to "V".
#Add code to add the nouns "dog" and "cat" to "N".
#Add code to print out the rules giving the following output.

Hint: items()

Expected output (the order of the rules does not matter):

N -> boy | girl | dog | cat
S -> NP VP
NP -> Det N | Adj NP
Adj -> big | small
Det -> a | the
VP -> V NP
V -> sees | likes | hates
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