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Lab 11: Dialog Systems
Try to complete as much as you can. Hand in a RAD Canvas file (FullName_lab11.rad
) from section 2 in MySchool before midnight today (29 October).
1. CUAnimate (CSLU toolkit)
Familiarise yourself with the CUAnimate application that is part of the CSLU toolkit, It is tool that allows you to create simple embodied system initiative finite-state dialog using a graphical programming language called Rapid Application Developer (RAD). The tool includes text to speech synthesis, speech recognition and a 3D animate face (Baldi) that can be used to show different expressions in sync with the dialog (embodiment).
Download the CSLU toolkit:
Have a look at the tutorials and RAD object Guide on the webpage. Also examine the pizza.rad
and vote.rad
example projects that come with the toolkit. The examples can be loaded undir File > Examples (located in C:\Program Files\CSLU\Toolkit\2.0\apps\rad\Examples\
on your computer by default).
2. Create a Dialog Manager
Use the CUAnimate application to create a simple Dialog Manager. You have complete freedom to choose what the system is like; what questions it asks and answers it understands. It should though at least contain three states/questions with something more complicated than just yes/no answers.
If you use either of the example projects as a basis you should do something more than changing the topping options or candidates' names!