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Submitting to Conferences & Journals

Getting Your Work Published

When is your research project done? Before you start a research project you should decide what kinds of milestones are needed to publish the work in full or in part.
When your project is done If you did your research with public funding (e.g. H2020, ERC, Rannís, etc.) you must publish the work in one or more freely accessible outlets.
Where to publish? Based on your topic, find the best outlet you think will accept the work. Look at prior papers/work that has been published in that outlet to decide if yours fits.
Importance Several measures exist for scientific outlets - journals, conferences, etc. - and individuals, mainly based on citations.
Impact Factor The average number of citations to articles published in science and social science journals link
h-index For individuals: an individual researcher with an index of h has published h papers each of which has been cited in other papers at least h times. wikipedia
h10-index Number of publications cited at least 10 times.
example Thórisson on Google Scholar

Submitting Your Academic Research for Publication

When to submit When you think your paper is ready to get published.
Where to submit What audience do you want to reach? Who should read your work?
When you have submitted General description of a typical submission process given in next table.

The Peer Review Process

Step 0 Scientist does research, writes up results and submits a scientific paper to a selected outlet.
Step 1 Editor or conference chair receives submission, decides who should review. The selected review group, typically 3 or more scientists knowledgeable in the field in question, is called the peer review group.
Step 2 Paper sent to peer review group (typically 3 reviewers) with a deadline for returning their review, along with instructions.
Step 3 Editor gets reviews back from reviewers.
Step 4 Editor has to decide, based on reviews, whether to (1) accept paper as-is, with no changes (very rare!); (2) accept paper with minor revisions; (3) accept paper with major revisions; (4) reject paper.
Step 5 Editor sends result of reviews along with his decision for 1, 2, 3 or 4 above.
Step 6 Conclusion 1, great! You're done. Your paper will be published as-is.
Conclusion 2: Use the reviews to improve your paper, send back to editor. Editor may request a shortlist of how you improved the paper. Your paper will be published with your changes.
Conclusion 3: You will need to do major work to improve the paper (e.g. more experiments or compare more algorithms or systems). Your paper will probably be reviewed by the same 3 reviewers. The editor may ask you for a shortlist of how you addressed the reviewers' concerns.


Example Guidelines to Authors (Intl. J. of CS & AI)


Guidelines to Authors
We only accept papers written in English Language. Please make sure that your paper has not been published elsewhere. We will not be liable for any duty of copyright disputes caused by the authors. The papers should be informative, novel, well organized and coherent, fitting for the scope and focus of the Journal. In addition, the papers should reflect the latest trends and achievements in the subject area.
The specifications are as follows.
(1) Title
The title should be no more than 20 words, refined and distinct. Abbreviations should be avoided in the title. Subtitle can be added as needed.
(2) Keywords
The keywords should reflect the feature of the paper, and be in favor of literature retrieval. The keywords should be at least 3 and no more than 8, separated by semicolon.
(3) Abstract
Abstract is an accurate and short summarization without explanation or comments of the paper. It should reflect the main information of the paper briefly and clearly. The key points include four factors: purpose of research, methods, results and conclusions, and innovation.
(4) Quantities and units
Measurement unit should implement national standards. Abolished units cannot be used. The author must convert them according to the current standard.
(5) Figures and Tables
Figures and tables should be put in the corresponding place and numbered in sequence. Coordinate graphs should have headings which consist of nomenclatures, the corresponding symbol and unit. Table format is three-line table. Photographs should be of sufficiently high quality. Ensure that the size of figures and photographs is in proportion. Generally, the width should be no longer than 7cm. The width of Full Column tables should be no longer than 16cm.
(6) References
References should be identified in the text by Arabic numerals and numbered in the order cited. Only public publications should be listed, which allows editors and readers to consult. Foreign references such as Japanese references and Russian references should be expressed in English.
(7) Copyright
Authors who publish papers in WAP's Journals retain the copyright of their articles, which could be freely distributed under the Creative Common Attribution License.
(8) Open Access Policy and Publication Fee


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