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Vélaldin Emergence Engine

Project Goal: A powerful engine for researching emergent phenomena

Vélaldin was nominated for the annual Presidential Innovation Awards 2007

Student: Hrafn Thorri Thórisson
PI: Kristinn R. Thórisson

Overview : Vélaldin is an open-source engine for developing systems with emergent properties. Based on the basic concept of cellular automata, Vélaldin offers an abstract representation of cells — leaving it up to the developer to determine the features, rules and states of cells in whatever way is desired.

The direct interpretation of the Icelandic word Vélaldin, is Mechanical Fruit; vél meaning machine, and aldin fruit. The name references the goal of understanding and interpreting our world through mechanical means, gradually moving towards more life-like machines.

Vélaldin & Hrafn Thórisson was nominated for the Presidential Innovation Awards 2007. Vélaldin was the project's simulation framework that enabled research into evolutionary roots- and nature of creativity/originality/innovation/imagination.

See more here


The below list is an overview of Vélaldin's features, but is by no means complete.

Author & Contact Information

Vélaldin was created by Hrafn Th. Thórisson at the Center for Analysis and Design of Intelligent Agents, Reykjavík University.