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Programming Assignment 2: Compelling Story with Characters

Basic Info

Due: Sunday, February 26th at 23:59
Group size: max 2 people
What to turn in: Single ZIP file with Python files, asset files and an item data file (assets from URL is ok)
Note: If you use code or assets from others, remember to give credit where it is due


The goal is to use everything you have learned so far about pulling a user/player into an interactive virtual environment, to create a compelling interactive story. The story should have a purpose, such as to be entertaining (e.g. through comedy or suspense), instructive (e.g. explain a historic event) or thought provoking in some way (e.g. social commentary). You may come up with your own story or use stories from other media (e.g. books or movies, but not stories that are already in interactive format). The story should be complete (beginning and an end), but be kept relatively short (few minutes of interaction time).

The focus in this assignment is on:
