Table of Contents

Final Project

Final Presentations


All presentations take place Wednesday December 1 (14:55-17:55) in M1.05.

1 15:00 Island Adventure Andreas and Marcel
2 15:15 Briscola Online Angelo and Lorenzo
3 15:30 Guide to Financial Happiness Brynjar
4 15:45 Reykjavík Invasion Carmine and Luis
5 16:00 Realistic NPC Conversations Francesco
6 16:15 Virtual Experimentarium Hörður
7 16:40 Ocean Exploration with Captain Nemo Niccolo and Unnar
8 16:55 Real-Time Strategy Game Oddur and Hamid
9 17:10 Ole: The Escape from the China Store Sebastian and Steffen
10 17:25 Tropical Fever: Utopian Experience Stefán and Sigmar
11 17:40 Ogre Fries Þröstur


The total time you have is 15 minutes. Aim for 5 minutes for slides and 10 minutes for demo and questions.


Because the time for slides is very short, you should only show a maximum of 3-4 slides (plus title slide). You should have a slide for: (1) Purpose/Motivation; (2) Related/Existing Work; (3) Your Contribution/Exciting Features. The purpose of the slides is mainly to establish that you know why you are doing this, and that you know that others have tried before and that you have done something interesting. The final report will go into technical detail, so you don't have to do that here.


Use your 10 minutes well. It is very important to plan your demo. There is nothing worse than trying to figure out during your presentation what you would like to show us. That typically means you spend valuable time messing around with the interface and/or forget to show a couple of important things. Write down on a piece of paper a demo script and time it before you arrive, so that you know that you can get through it in less than 10 minutes.


Come to the 2nd floor entrance to the School of Computer Science in Venus.

Wednesday 10/11
Time Group
9:00 Brynjar
9:30 Angelo and Lorenzo
11:00 Francesco
11:30 Hörður
Friday 12/11
Time Group
9:00 Þröstur
9:30 Unnar and Niccolo
10:00 Marcel and Andreas
10:30 Carmine and Luis
13:00 Sebastian and Steffen
13:30 Stefán and Sigmar