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Programming Assignment 1: Room with interactive items

Basic Info

Due: Friday, February 6th at 23:59
Group size: Max 2 people
What to turn in: Single ZIP file with Python files, asset files and an item data file
Note: Use comments in your code to explain what you are doing.
Note: If you use code or assets from others, remember to credit them in your comments.


In this assignment you will be using Panda 3D and Python to create a basic interactive virtual environment. The user can navigate around the environment and interact with various items. The implementation is “data driven” - which means that the interactive content is described in a special “data file”, which your “engine” reads in and presents (as opposed to “hard coding” content inside your main program).

While you are given complete freedom to create any kind of room environment and include any kinds of items you want, keep in mind that some kind of overall story or setting that ties it all together makes the experience more compelling.

