Table of Contents

Final Oral Exam





At the designated time, come to the examination room to pick up your design scenario. You will then be lead to a separate, closed, room for your design presentation preparation and will be fetched 20 minutes later for the presentation and rest of the examination.

THURSDAY 3. APRIL (Meeting Room)
[1]  13:00  Marco
[2]  13:25  Riikka
[3]  13:50  Andri
[4]  14:15  Stephanie
[5]  14:40  Ingólfur

FRIDAY 4. APRIL (Meeting Room)
[6]  09:00  Bjarni
[7]  09:25  Arnar
[8]  09:50  Gunter
[9]  10:15  Timo
[10] 10:40  Verena
[11] 11:05  Bjarki
[12] 11:30  Stefán
[13] 11:55  Ívar