Table of Contents

Lab 10

Try to complete as much as you can. Hand in a transcription file (FullName_lab10.eaf) from section 2 in MySchool before midnight today (22 October).

1. ELAN Transcription Tool

Download and try out the ELAN audio and video transcription tool. Have a look at the documentation on the same web page. Start with the HowTo Guide and pay special attention to creating annotation tiers and adding annotations.

2. Transcribing Natural Discourse

Try your hand at transcribing 30 seconds of conversation between three individuals. In addition to noting what is being said and by whom, mark also non-verbial behaviour that plays a function in the discourse. For this you will want to add tiers for gestures, gaze and postures for each participant. Structure and subdivide the tiers as you see fit but make sure overlapping behaviour is easily differentiated. You might want to review the relevant slides from last tuesdays lecture.

Video: (5.1 Mb MPEG Movie).