Lab4: Unbuffered and Buffered Input

As you saw in Lab 3 you can use the Object Oriented Input System (OIS) to interface with a range of input devices in Ogre 3D. OIS comes with a number of classes (e.g. OIS::Keyboard, OIS::Mouse and OIS::Joystick) that represent different kinds of devices and through those you can access what the user is doing.

OIS provides two very different ways to understand what the input devices are doing:

Make sure you understand the difference between these two modes by first completing Lab 3, paying attention to how the unbuffered mouse button input required you to look at the first time you saw a button down state and then ignore subsequent button down states in order to see it as a single press.

Then continue with Basic Tutorial 5: Buffered Input and make sure to understand how you are now dealing with somewhat “more meaningful” events, such as the key or mouse button pressed event.