Go to your personal Ogre application folder (where the executable for your own Ogre application sits) and do the following:
Create a new sub-folder called Models
Add the line FileSystem=Models in the Popular section of your application's resources.cfg (This tells your application that it should search for named resources in this folder)
Create a model in Blender (even just use the default cube you get when you start up Blender)
It is a good idea to save your model in the Blender file format early and often
Pay attention to what you name your geometry, this becomes the name of the exported mesh
Export the model using the Blender2Ogre exporter and save it in your Models folder
Run the OgreXMLConverter command line tool on the exported XML mesh file to turn it into a binary Ogre mesh file
Create an Entity in your Ogre application from the mesh you just exported
Ogre::Entity* mycube = mSceneMgr->createEntity("MyCube", "MyCubeMesh.mesh");
Ogre::SceneNode* cubeNode = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode();
cubeNode->setScale(50,10,50); // You may have to scale your object to see it well
Make sure you see your object when you run your application!