The final exam will be a 3-hour open-book on-line exam (Canvas).
Questions will focus on your understanding of the material that has been presented and discussed throughout the course and that which can be found in the assigned readings and lecture notes, with heavy emphasis on the main concepts and topics, and your ability to holistically comprehend these.
(You should know by now (due to your assigned reading About Understanding by yours truly), an agent's (including students') understanding of a phenomenon can be tested by asking them to (a) predict something about the phenomenon, (b) achieving some sort of goal with respect to the phenomenon, © explain something about the phenomenon, or (d) recreate the phenomenon.)
If you are unsure of which topics are the main ones, and which are less important secondary topics, can look at the lecture notes: If something is mentioned there, it is important. If it's mentioned more than once it's even more important. But above all, it is your comprehension (read: understanding) of the relationships between the topics covered in the class, and your ability to put this understanding in context with creating more capable AI systems, that the final exam focuses on.
Below are some example questions formulated in a similar way to (some of) the questions that (may) apprear on the final exam. Note that these are representative of the types of questions, not an exhaustive list. These are provided here to help you prepare for the final exam, refresh yourself on the topics and readings covered, and give you an idea of the scope.
However you answer and whatever you write on the final exam, keep this in mind: Make sure you present strong and clear arguments for your answer, referring back to the most relevant material covered in the course, as appropriate.
Note that the answers here below are neither exhaustive nor complete. They are partial and only provided as the beginning of a hint to what the full/complete answers might be (these are not provided). Complete answers can be relatively easily constructed by studying the lecture notes and having read (most of) the papers assigned in the class.