In this lab we will take a closer look at the A* Search algorithm using some Testing Tools and different Heuristics for the Pathfinding problem.
java -Xmx128m -classpath ./pathfinder;. -Djava.library.path=./pathfinder pathfinder/demo/AStarDemo maps/32x32TestMap01.raw 32 32
java -Xmx128m -classpath ./pathfinder:. -Djava.library.path=./pathfinder pathfinder/demo/AStarDemo maps/32x32TestMap01.raw 32 32
ENTER Run the chosen algorithm SPACE Show all generated search nodes C Show the final cost 1,2,3.. Pick a heuristic function +/- Zoon in/out of map
files, where X is the number) simply by passing the map name to the program when you launch it.h(n) = D * (abs(n.x-goal.x) + abs(n.y-goal.y))
h(n) = D * sqrt((n.x-goal.x)^2 + (n.y-goal.y)^2)
h_diagonal(n) = min(abs(n.x-goal.x), abs(n.y-goal.y)) h_straight(n) = (abs(n.x-goal.x) + abs(n.y-goal.y)) h(n) = D2 * h_diagonal(n) + D * (h_straight(n) - 2*h_diagonal(n)))