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T-622-ARTI, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, 2007-1

Instructors: Kristinn R. Thórisson, Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson
Teaching Assistant: Vignir Hafsteinsson

Readings for each class are listed on the lecture notes page for each class.
Use the internal RU website for the course to return assignments.


Supplementary Readings (Ítarefni)


The bulk of the projects in the course will center around a Hexapod in a virtual environment. We are currently preparing software for use in the hexapod development. In the mean time students can explore CADIAHexapd, the system from last year - the new version will follow this implementation closely.

Thought Questions: weekly assignments for each topic where you write a question about the reading material.

Program 1PROG1Gate control & perception - Simple example Fri Jan 26Fri Feb 025%
Program 2PROG22-level subsumption Brooks - Fri Feb 02Fri Feb 095%
Homework 1HW1Solving problems with searchCh 3 and 4 - Fri Feb 09Fri Feb 163%
Homework 2HW2Knowledge representation and logicCh 6 and 7 - Fri Feb 16Fri Feb 233%
Program 3PROG3Planning implementationCh 11 - Wed Feb 28Sun Mar 115%
Final ProjectFPAgent for final competition Everything - Wed Mar 07Lau Mar 2424%
Total 45%

Course Outline

W#DateTopic/Lecture NotesEmphasisMaterialWhoDue
1 We Jan 10 Agents I Agents, Perception, Action Ch 2 KRTh
Fr Jan 12 Agents II Classical AI, Behavior-based AI Ch 2 KRTh
2 We Jan 17 Perception I Vision Ch 24 KRTh TQs
Fr Jan 19 Perception II Speech recognition / hearing Ch 24 KRTh
3 Mo Jan 22 Lab session Chapter 24 Exercises 24.1, 24.4, 24.8, 24.9, 24.10 VH
We Jan 24 Architecture I Subsumption Architecture Garlan & Shaw (first half), Brooks KRTh TQs
Fr Jan 26 Architecture II Blackboards Garlan & Shaw (second half), Brooks KRTh
4 We Jan 31 Lab Session First programming assignmt. VH TQs
Fr Feb 02 Robotics, Review Robotics Ch 25, All KRTh PROG1 (5%)
5 We Feb 07 Search I (glærur á MySchool) Solving Problems Ch 3.2 - 3.5 HHV TQs
Fr Feb 09 Search II Heuristic Functions Ch 4.1 - 4.2 HHV PROG2 (5%)
6 We Feb 14 Knowledge & Reasoning I Basic Knowledge Rep. and Logic Ch 7.1 - 7.4 HHV TQs
Fr Feb 16 Knowledge & Reasoning II First-Order Logic Ch 8 HHV HW1 (3%)
7 We Feb 21 Planning I Basic Planning Ch 11.1 - 11.2 HHV TQs
Fr Feb 23 Planning II Dynamic Planning and Reacting Ch 12.2 + (Funge et al., 1999). HHV HW2 (3%)
8 We Feb 28 Machine Learning Overview of Learning Methods Skim Ch 18 - 21 HHV TQs
Fr Mar 02 Natural Language Overview of NLP Systems Skim Ch 22 - 23 HHV TQs
9 We Mar 07 Review Review All HHV
Fr Mar 09 Bayesian Networks Baysian Networks TBD KRTh 11/3:PROG3 (5%)
10 We Mar 14 Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy Logic TBD KRTh TQs
Fr Mar 16 TBD TBD TBD All
11 We Mar 21 Lab Work on final project All All
Fr Mar 23 Lab Work on final project All All
12 La Mar 24 Competition Final Project Competition All All FP (24%)
We Mar 28 History of AI History of AI TBD KRTh
Fr Mar 30 Review Final Course Review All All

TQs: Thought Questions


Part of CourseTotal Weight
Thought questions 10%
Smaller programming assignments (x3) 15%
Homework assignments (x2) 6%
Final project 24%
Final written exam 45%
Total 100%