Table of Contents

Message central


MessageCentral is an application used to send and lookup psyclone messages. The program includes an xml config file for predefined messages so a lot of time can be saved by having all manually sent messages already defined.


1. Get message types that have been sent to a specific whiteboard
Select a whiteboard from the drop down list in the Whiteboard Panel and press button Get Messages. A new dropdown list will appear in the Message types panel which displays all messages sent to the selected whiteboard.

2. View the most recent message of a specified type
First perform step 1).
Select a messagetype from the dropdown list in the Message types Panel and it's content will be displayed in the bottom area of the window.

3. View older messages of a specified type
First perform step 1).
Select a messagetype from the dropdown list in the Message types Panel and press the Get all Messages button. All messages of the select type will appear in the Retrieve ALL panel, select a mesage there to view.

4. Send message
Messages can be sent by filling out the bottom area of the window with Whiteboard, Message type and Content (none can be left empty) or by selecting a predefined message from the Messages from file Panel.


Program takes 4 optional parameters.
host = hostname for psyclone (localhost is default)
port = portname of psyclone (10000 is default)
psyclonespec = path to psyclone spec to read names of whiteboards from
messagespec= path to xml file with predefined messages

java -jar MessageCentral.jar host=[localhost] port=[10000] psyclonespec=[] messagespec=[]

Code repository

Config files


      <content><ThoughtUnit id="1"><SentenceFragment pauseafter="100" falsetto="false" fragment_id="1" answer="false"><Text type="null">Several decades ago you built 
      <content><Speak fragment_id="1"/></content>