Table of Contents

P1. Pick a Topic to Write About

If you care about grades, please read the full description on this page

In the course you will write a couple of “mock” abstracts that may follow the structure of an empirical research paper (a study requiring formulating hypotheses, designing a comparative experiment, obtaining and presenting empirical data). We call them “mock” because you'll actually not write full papers, and thus we must make some assumptions about the structure of that paper when writing them (for instance, there are likely no results to report, so we must pretend they exist).

What To Do

Your first assignment for the writing project is to pick a topic: Decide on a topic to write a paper on. Ideally you should pick something of some interest to you, or something that you're currently working on, i.e. a topic you'd like to explore that fits the empirical paradigm. You should describe the topic in one or two sentences, in the form of a question or a set of questions, and perhaps also as a proposed title you might choose for a paper that you might write in the future on that topic might have.

PROPOSE SOME IDEAS ON CANVAS, IN THE FORM OF A SHORT DESCRIPTION OF A TOPIC AND TENTATIVE TITLE (OR SOME ALTERNATIVES THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO PICK FROM). Put your thoughts on “Course Q&A Discussions” on Canvas (on the menu in Canvas, and also the second item on under “modules” on Canvas). It's ok to start with a broad area and then narrow it down.

When teacher has accepted it you hand in your title + short description in Canvas. Once that is approved by the teacher you are ready to do the first writing Assignment.

Example Topics

Note: Choose wisely - once you have decided you are “locked in”, because changing topic will mean that you must re-do prior work.

How To Do It

Of the areas, questions, and suggested topics you indicate, the teacher will help you pick the best option. The topic must be approved by the teacher – not all topics are equally well suited for the purpose of learning how to write scientific papers. The paper's focus can be selected by proposing tentative titles – ideas for what the final title could or might be. Keep this in mind: The eventual title of a scientific paper should be as descriptive as possible and as short as possible. The tentative version may be longer, for the purpose of helping you stay focused on the topic at hand as your writing progresses.

Note: Topic and tentative title must be approved by the teacher. No submissions of further assignments are allowed until the tentative title and topic have been approved. (See further down on this page the status of your topic selection.)

When your topic has been approved you may want to polish the tentative title – but it can also be honed as the paper progresses.