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P11. Full Paper

This is the first time you see your paper in its enirety. The paper must be formatted as if it was going to be published in a conference or journal; that means it has to have coherent section titles, author list with affiliation, reference list and possibly acknowledgments, and be properly formatted. Please make sure your references are correctly formatted as well, according to APA style.

Include a link to your Overleaf document.

You should check that the paper has:

  1. A title and author, formatted correctly.
  2. All sections included, and that they are coherent.
  3. References and reference list formatted APA style.
  4. Include at least one figure, table, or graph showing your results with a caption.

This list is not exhaustive; please go through the course notes, assignment descriptions etc. and refer to the relevant chapters in Ranjit Kumar to get a complete overview of what matters.

NOTE: If you feel you need to make choices that are in opposition to what I have suggested or required in class, please use footnotes to explain your decisions. Start such footnotes with the string “NOTE TO EDITOR:”. You may of course also ask me beforehand (but if so, don't wait until the day it's due, as you may risk not getting a response in time!).

NOTE: You should use this opportunity to improve all the sections you returned earlier.