Table of Contents

Short Essay

Suggested Topics for Essays

The title of your essay need not be verbatim from the list above - but your essay should fit firmly within the immediate scope of these descriptions.

Other topics may be possible - check with instructor if you have suggestions.

Guidelines for References

Your essay should use the standard reference methodology from the scientific tradition, namely, to cite relevant material where appropriate. Appropriateness includes referencing a paper when:

You should always reference some prior work in your scientific writings, as it helps present a context for how to interpret the terms you are using – those references become stand-ins for the research community you consider most affiliated with your writing, and present a context to the traditions of methodology, term interpretation, philosophy, etc.

I want you to use the APA style of references (google it!), because the reader can see which author names are being referenced without having to look in the bibliography. But if you absolutely must use some other style I may agree to it.