Table of Contents


Group A Ægir Þorsteinsson, Páll Rúnar Þráinsson
Group B Guðrún Birna Guðmundsdóttir, Þorri Gestsson
Group C Sigurjón Viðar Svavarsson, Brynjar Reynisson
Group D Pálmi Skowronski, Claudio Pedica


Hand-in will be threefold: You will do a presentation in class of your solution. Do not go over 10 minutes! You must check your code into SVN (instructions to follow). And you must mark that you have finished the project in the MySchool system.


In this project you must:

Consider the trading of a single commodity through a double auction market process. A double auction is a process in which buyers and sellers can freely enter limit orders (bids or asks) and accept bids or asks entered by others. It is the organization used in major exchange markets around the world trading stocks, commodities or currencies.

Create an agent-based model of a double auction market for a single commodity in Psyclone. Use the following basic specification, but feel free to extend it in any way you desire.

Use the following information to monitor the results of each run:

Conduct several runs of the model using N = M = 20 and MaxSellerCost = MaxBuyerValue = 30. Monitor the outcome. What can you conclude? Why might the results not perfectly match the predicted competitive equilibrium? Is there anything about the patterns of trading that improve or impede market efficiency?

Test the scalability of the model by increasing the N and M. What can you conclude about the complexity of modeling market interaction?