==== P2b. Write an Abstract (I) ==== Write an abstract for [[http://cadia.ru.is/wiki/_media/rem4:buckingcopypastementality2012.pdf|this paper]]. \\ Consider the structure of a good abstract, the lessons you have drawn from looking at good and bad abstracts, and what you would say to make sure a reader becomes interested in reading the whole paper. * Submit the abstract via email to [ thorisson - at - ru dot is ]. PLEASE PUT "REM4" SOMEWHERE (anywhere) IN THE TITLE OF YOUR EMAIL, SO IT GETS CLASSIFIED CORRECTLY IN THE TEACHER'S INBOX. Thanks. * This assignment is pass/fail - you will simply continue until your instructor is satisfied (don't worry - it's worth the effort). ===Example of Good Abstract=== The educational system, in particular the higher levels of it intended for teens and people in their twenties and beyond, is too inflexible. Beyond choosing a field of specialization there is little choice available, and little opportunity for mixing fields or creating new ones. It is important for society to allow adults more choice with regards to their education, because not everyone's talents lie directly within one of the "boxes" defined by modern academia. The current arrangement is, therefore, a waste of talents that could be used earlier and more efficiently to advance human knowledge. The Aperio program, newly launched at Reykjavík University, aims to increase flexibility in education, and assist students in defining their own field to best suit their talents. There are no results from this experiment so far, but the researchers working on it have high hopes.