{{ :public:velaldin:velaldin_filled_transp.png |Vélaldin Logo}} ===== Vélaldin Emergence Engine ===== == Project Goal: A powerful engine for researching emergent phenomena == {{:public:velaldin:velaldin-creativity-thorisson.png |Vélaldin was nominated for the annual Presidential Innovation Awards 2007}} **Student:** [[http://www.thinkartificial.org|Hrafn Thorri Thórisson]] \\ **PI:** [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/thorisson | Kristinn R. Thórisson]] ===== ===== **Overview :** Vélaldin is an //open-source// engine for developing systems with emergent properties. Based on the basic concept of cellular automata, Vélaldin offers an abstract representation of cells — leaving it up to the developer to determine the features, rules and states of cells in whatever way is desired. //The direct interpretation of the Icelandic word **Vélaldin**, is **Mechanical Fruit**; **vél** meaning machine, and **aldin** fruit. The name references the goal of understanding and interpreting our world through mechanical means, gradually moving towards more life-like machines.// **Vélaldin & Hrafn Thórisson was nominated for the Presidential Innovation Awards 2007.** Vélaldin was the project's simulation framework that enabled research into evolutionary roots- and nature of creativity/originality/innovation/imagination. ==== Links, Download and Information ==== * [[http://cadia.ru.is/projects/velaldin/news/news.html|Velaldin News]] * [[http://cadia.ru.is/projects/velaldin/download/downloads.html|Downloads]] * [[http://cadia.ru.is/projects/velaldin/developer/developer.html|Manual and JavaDocs]] * [[http://cadia.ru.is/projects/velaldin/developer/developer/contribution.html|Contribution Guidelines]] (Velaldin is Open Source) See more [[http://cadia.ru.is/projects/velaldin|here]] ===== Features ===== The below list is an overview of Vélaldin's features, but is by no means complete. {{ public:velaldin:wolfram30.png|}} * 1D & 2D Globular Universes (3D Under development) * Synchronous and Asynchronous Capabilities * Abstract Cell Representations (//Vélaldin Extended Cell Architecture, VECA//) * Abstract State and Rule Representations * Simple Graphical Viewer under development ===== Author & Contact Information ===== Vélaldin was created by [[http://www.thinkartificial.org | Hrafn Th. Thórisson]] at the [[http://cadia.ru.is|Center for Analysis and Design of Intelligent Agents]], Reykjavík University. * e-mail: hrafnt05 **α** ru.is