====== Discussion 7: Textual Worlds ====== {{:public:t-vien-15-3:asylum.png?300|}} ===== Goal ===== The goal with this preparation is to gain familiarity with one of the oldest, and most influential, forms of persistent online virtual worlds: The MUDs and MOOs! These worlds still exist if you know where to look. Some of them are in fact still thriving quite well. ===== Task ===== Make sure you have a program on your computer to open an interactive [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telnet|telnet]] session with a remote host. On OSX and Linux, the program "telnet" should already be included, which you can then run from a terminal window just like this: telnet On windows you can download a very simple telnet client called [[http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/puttytel.exe|PuTTYtel (direct download link!)]], run it and supply the host name and port number into a dialog box before connecting. After you have found or installed your telnet client, connect to these two virtual worlds: * Asylum MUD - Fantasy RPG (create a character and start questing) * HOST: asylum-mud.org * PORT: 6715 * Lamda MOO - Social Space (type "co guest" to start as an anonymous guest) * HOST: lambda.moo.mud.org * PORT: 8888 By Monday class, be ready to discuss the pros and cons of this interactive textual medium. For example, are you able gain a sense of space even though no visual cues are provided?