====== Final Project Proposal ====== The presentation of your final project proposal will take place in class on Wednesday the 14th of October. Remember that you **have to** give your presentation then to earn your **5% proposal grade** (unless you give me a valid excuse ahead of time). ===== Presentations ===== ^#^Team^Project^ | 1 | Felix | Time Travel | | 2 | Ari | Procedural Environment | | 3 | Hörður | Horror | | 4 | Olimpia | Driving while Drunk Simulator | | 5 | Tinna | Educational Game | | 6 | Eva and Charlotte | Day/Night and Weather System | | 7 | Guðmundur | Procedural Maze | | 8 | Sigurgrímur | Vikings | | 9 | Tryggvi | TBD | | 10 | Nina and Christian | TBD | | 11 | Hafdís | TBD | | 12 | Halldór | TBD | ===== Presentation Information ===== * Your presentation should be a maximum of 12 minutes (less is fine if you get your idea across) * After each presentation we'll open up for a couple of questions from the class. * Compose a slide show for your presentation, which you then turn in through MySchool (it's ok to turn it in by midnight on Tuesday). ===== Things to Remember ===== * Remember to use various concepts you have learned in the course so far (e.g. perception, presence, flow, constraints, archetypes etc.) * Everyone in the project group (if there are others) should get a chance to speak, so divide the presentation up among yourselves. * Use diagrams, photos, sketches, rendered images, etc. to illustrate your ideas. * Feel free to use the classroom white-board as well during the presentation. ===== Presentation Structure ===== The presentation itself should be structured to be clear and informative. Imagine that you are asking for project funding and you are addressing your peers who will be reviewing your application. I recommend that you use the following structure (variations are ok): * Project name * Project "slogan" or "tagline" (like "Safer traffic training with VEs!") * Group members * Describe a problem/need you want to address with your VE. * Who is your target audience? * What would it be like to have/use/play your VE? * Sketches would be cool. * Mention previous research, products or projects that also try to achieve similar goals as your project. * State how yours will be different (it is not a requirement that your project be state-of-the-art, but it is good to think about this). * How are you thinking of creating this environment? * What special features do you want it to have that help you reach your goals? * What other seemingly useless but cool features do you want it to have? (perhaps they're more useful than you think, give that a thought) * What do you expect to be the hardest thing in your project? * If you won't have time to do everything, what do you want to make sure your prototype can at least do at the end of the course? * Use this opportunity to "control expectations".