====== Final Project ====== ===== Final Presentations ====== ==== Time and Place ==== All presentations take place Tuesday April 1 (10:20-12:00) in the "Black Hole" CADIA research lab (Tentatively). Come to the 2nd floor of Venus, just outside the glass elevator, and call 618 6323 to have me let you in. ==== Format ==== The total time you have is about 10 minutes. Aim for about 1-2 minute intro, 5 minutes for demoing and 2-3 minutes for questions. === Demo === Use your time well. **It is very important to plan/reherse your demo**. There is nothing worse than trying to figure out during your presentation what you would like to show us. That typically means you spend valuable time messing around with the interface and/or forget to show a couple of important things. Write down on a piece of paper a demo script and time it before you arrive, so that you know that you can get through it in the allotted time slot.