====== VE Final Project: Virtual Cadia ====== ===== Overview ===== **Team members:** Pálmi Skowronski & Páll Rúnar Þráinsson\\ **Project name:** Virtual Cadia\\ **Project tag line:** A realistic interactive environment of the Cadia work place. ===== Abstract ===== The goal of the project is to make a realistic interactive virtual environment of the Cadia work place at Reykjavík University. This virtual environment will enable guests to visit Cadia and get to know its residents and the projects that are ongoing. Residents of Cadia will also be able to enter the environment as their own avatar where they will be able to interact with guests or with other avatar residents at Cadia. The environment will be a detailed model to give the user a feeling of realism. Another aspect that will be focused on to achieve realism is the making of smart avatars where Cadia residents’ avatars will show characteristic features of their owner. Guests avatars will also show smart behavior but on a more general level. ===== Motivation / Scenario ===== Todo ===== Features ===== The aim in the projects first iteration is to complete the environment and multiple user environment features. **The environment** The project’s main focus is to make a realistic representation of the Cadia work place at Reykjavík University that a single user can interact with to gather information about the work that takes place at the lab. **Multiple user environment** Multiple users will be able to connect to the same environment and interact with each other. Users will either connect as a guest or as a resident of Cadia. When residents of Cadia enter the environment they take control of an avatar that is a model of them self. **Smart avatars** When users start to interact with each other in the environment it will be necessary to make the avatars smart so that the realism effect will not be lost. Each avatar should be able to show awareness of presence, interest and intent. Resident’s avatars should also show characteristic features of their owners. **Virtual office** Virtual office is a restricted mode for the residents of Cadia. In this mode residents will be able to interact with each other and work together on common projects, much like in the real world. Here users would also be able to access extra personal information about other users e.g. calendar, send messages or make a Skype phone call. ===== Cadia environment ===== | {{public:t-vien-07-1:cadia_env_4.jpg?307x230}} | {{public:t-vien-07-1:cadia_env_1.jpg?307x230}} | | {{public:t-vien-07-1:cadia_env_3.jpg?307x230}} | {{public:t-vien-07-1:cadia_env_2.jpg?307x230}} | ===== Environment diagram ===== {{public:t-vien-07-1:cadia_env_diagram.jpg|}} ===== Partners ===== * [[http://cadia.ru.is/wiki/public:t-vien-07-1:group_3 | Freyr Magnússon]] * [[Claudio]]