====== Lab 11: Dialog Systems ====== **Try to complete as much as you can. Hand in a RAD Canvas file (''FullName_lab11.rad'') from section 2 in MySchool before midnight today (29 October).** The tool we will be using for this lab only runs on Windows OS. Please contact Örvar (orvark13@ru.is) if you are unable to get access to a Windows machine for this lab. ===== 1. CUAnimate (CSLU toolkit) ===== Familiarise yourself with the CUAnimate application that is part of the [[http://www.cslu.ogi.edu/toolkit/|CSLU toolkit]], It is tool that allows you to create simple embodied system initiative finite-state dialog using a graphical programming language called Rapid Application Developer (RAD). The tool includes text to speech synthesis, speech recognition and a 3D animate face (Baldi) that can be used to show different expressions in sync with the dialog (embodiment). **Download the CSLU toolkit:** [[http://ru.is/~hannes/classes/malv2015/cslu206.exe]] (1.1 Mb) Have a look at [[http://www.cslu.ogi.edu/toolkit/docs/2.0/apps/rad/tutorials/index.html|the tutorials]] and [[http://www.cslu.ogi.edu/toolkit/docs/2.0/apps/rad/objects/index.html|RAD object Guide]] on the webpage. Also examine the ''pizza.rad'' and ''vote.rad'' example projects that come with the toolkit. The examples can be loaded undir **File > Examples** (located in ''C:\Program Files\CSLU\Toolkit\2.0\apps\rad\Examples\'' on your computer by default). ===== 2. Create a Dialog Manager ===== Use the CUAnimate application to create a simple Dialog Manager. You have complete freedom to choose what the system is like; what questions it asks and answers it understands. It should though at least contain three states/questions with something more complicated than just yes/no answers. //If you use either of the example projects as a basis you should do something more than changing the topping options or the candidates name!//