[[/public:t-720-atai:atai-25:main|T-720-ATAI-2025 Main]] \\ ===== T-720-ATAI-2025 Links to Thórisson's Lecture Notes ===== * W1: * D1: AUTONOMY * [[/public:T-719-NXAI:NXAI-25:Intelligence|Intelligence: The Phenomenon]] * D2: AUTONOMY * D3: * D4: * D5: * W2: PROJECT 1 * W3: PROJECT 2 * Sprint W2+W3: **WORLDS** * Key concepts: //Environment, tasks, entities, variables, tests, goals, behaviors// * [[/public:T-719-NXAI:NXAI-25:task-environments|Tasks & Environments]] * [[/public:T-719-NXAI:NXAI-25:patterns|Patterns, Emergence & Self-Organization]] * Sprint W4+W5: **CONTROL** * Key concepts: //Control systems, levels of control, generality, autonomy// * [[/public:T-719-NXAI:NXAI-25:agents and control|Agents & Control]] * [[/public:T-719-NXAI:NXAI-25:generality|Intelligence & Generality]] * [[/public:T-719-NXAI:NXAI-25:self-x|Self-X & Predictability, Reliability, Self-Explanation]] * Sprint W6+W7: **LEARNING** * Key concepts: //Reinforcement learning, learning by observation, cumulative learning// * [[/public:T-719-NXAI:NXAI-25:learning|Learning]] * [[/public:T-719-NXAI:NXAI-25:autonomy|Autonomy]] * Sprint W8+W9: **SYMBOLS, MODELS, CAUSALITY** * Key concepts: //Models, relations, causation, symbols, hierarchy, compositionality, grounding// * [[/public:T-719-NXAI:NXAI-25:Knowledge Representation|Knowledge Representation]] * [[/public:T-719-NXAI:NXAI-25:Causation|Causation, Probabilities & More]] * [[/public:T-719-NXAI:NXAI-25:ai-architectures|AI Architectures]] * Sprint W10+11: **UNDERSTANDING** * Key concepts: //In addition to the topic of understanding, curiosity, creativity and methodology, this sprint relies on everything from the previous sprints.// * [[/public:T-719-NXAI:NXAI-25:understanding|Understanding, Curiosity, Creativity]] * [[/public:T-719-NXAI:NXAI-25:methodologies|AI Methodologies]] * W12: WRAP-UP