[[/public:t-709-aies:AIES-24:main|DCS-T-709-AIES-2024 Main]] \\ [[/public:t-709-aies:AIES-24:lecture_notes|Link to Lecture Notes]] \\ \\ ====== FUTURES STUDIES ====== //Knowing the future// \\ \\ ==== Futurology ==== | What it is | Futurology is what we call "studying the future". \\ Systematic prediction of what may happen in the future, and when. | | Why it matters | Allows preparation for what may come. | | How it Works | A bit like quantum physics: You can either say **what** will happen, or **when** something might happen, but not both at the same time. | | The Next 20 Years | To understand how AI may impact ethical concerns, and what the ethics of AI will become, we must look to the future. \\ That, however, calls for a crystal ball. | | Further Readings | [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Futures_studies#:~:text=%22Futurology%22%20is%20defined%20as%20the,a%20new%20science%20of%20probability.|Futures Studies]] on Wikipedia | \\ \\ ==== Crystal Ball ==== | Our Crystal Ball | is composed of parts that allow studying certain key factors in isolation. || | | We can arm ourselves with: || | | 1. | Remaining open questions in AI. | | | 2. | Understanding the drivers of "progress". | | | 3. | Identifying and mapping out key causal factors of change. | | And | use them to dissect, study, and analyze their nature, behavior, and interaction. || \\ \\ ==== Three Claims About the Future ==== | #1: | Rate of progress in automation through AI depends on rate of progress of basic research in AI || | #2: | Rate of progress in AI basic research depends on when these four mental processes will be automated: || | | a. | **General autonomous learning** | | | b. | **Empirical reasoning** over autonomously learned knowledge | | | c. | Creative autonomous **goal generation and management** | | | d. | All three **unified in a single system** | | #3: | Automation with AI will be at least as impactful as automation in the last industrial revolution. || \\ \\ ==== Automating Intelligence ==== | What AI is Really About | Automating intelligence. | | Prerequisites | Fundamental knowledge about how to automate intelligence is a pre-requisite for applying automated intelligence government, business, health industry, and all other areas of life. | | Home of Basic Research | Basic research is primarily performed in academia. \\ Hence: progress in the application of AI depends on progress of basic research in academia. | | "Rate of Progress" | The speed of basic research depends on human ingenuity, funding, enabling factors. | \\ \\ ==== "Rate of Progress" ==== | What it Means | Essentially means the speed of “creating new knowledge”. | | Creating New Knowledge | Main producer of new knowledge is **systematized research** - applied and basic. \\ Scientific/technological research uses a system based on addressing forward-looking questions, from simple, e.g. how to manufacture something faster, to extremely difficult - curing cancer, implementing intelligent machines, understanding the cosmos. | | Basic research | Primary focus on fundamental questions. \\ Basic research in AI: Automating more (human) thought processes. | | Applied research | Primarily profit-, control-driven. \\ Applied research in AI: Applying thinking machines to practical tasks. | | Key Dependencies | Applied research relies on progress in basic research. \\ Thus: Basic research drives applied research. | \\ \\ {{/public:t-709-aies:future-march-of-ai.png}} \\ \\ ==== The Fourth Industrial Revolution is the AI revolution ==== | 4th Industrial Revolution | Has just begun. | | Economics | Under current market mechanisms, whatever is profitable to automate with AI will be automated with AI. \\ Power of AI will improve significantly over the coming years and decades. | | What to Do | Governments, special interest groups, and society at large must ensure that we benefit from AI, and don’t succumb to its negative side-effects. | | Quite possibly jeopardized by AI | Democracy, the law, nation states, our monetary system, peace, our way of life. | \\ \\ \\ \\ //2024(c)K.R.Thórisson//