[[http://www.ru.is/faculty/thorisson/courses/h2006/methodology/#courseoutline|2006 course notes]] | [[http://cadia.ru.is/wiki/public:t-701-rem4:main|2007 course notes]] | [[REM4:Student paper topics]] ======T-701-REM4-08-3 Research Methodology / Aðferðafræði Rannsókna====== ==This is the main page for REM4-08-3== **FINAL EXAM: 12.12.2008, 14:00-17:00, T-701-REM4, O-401 Lecture Hall** **Instructors**: Kristinn R. Þórisson (KRÞ), Guðný R. Jónsdóttir (GRJ), Björn Þór Jónsson (BÞJ)\\ **Classroom**: K-3 \\ **Books:** * //Research Methodology// ("RM"), Ranjit Kumar - all chapters except Ch9 and Ch18. Emphasis on those listed in the table below. * //Introductory Readings in the Philosophy of Science// ("IRPS"). E.D.Klemke, R. Hollinger, D. W. Rudge and A. D. Kline (Eds.). - Selected chapters (see below). **NB: For all homework sent via email: PLEASE PUT "REM4" SOMEWHERE (anywhere) IN THE TITLE OF YOUR EMAIL, SO IT GETS CLASSIFIED CORRECTLY IN THE TEACHER'S INBOX. Thanks. ** ===== Exam ===== **There will be a 3-hour written final exam.** The topics it will cover are: Experimental designs, Statistics and Philosophy of Science, in the proportions of which these have been emphasized in the lectures. ===== Classes ===== ^Date^Time^Who^Topic^Material^Assignment^Due^ | Mon 25.08.2008 | 14:40 - 17:05 | KRÞ | Course overview | [[rem4:Course Overview]] | [[rem4:P1. Pick topic for your paper]] | 01.09 | | Wed 27.08.2008 | 15:30 - 17:05 | KRÞ | Writing Papers: Abstracts & Introductions | RM:Ch17 \\ [[rem4:Writing papers]] \\ [[rem4:Abstract|Abstracts]] \\ [[rem4:Introduction|Introductions]] \\ [[http://www.sigplan.org/conferences/author-info/vanLeunenLipton.html|How to have your abstract rejected]] \\ | [[rem4:P2a. Good/Bad Abstract]] (pass/fail) \\ [[rem4:p2b. Write an Abstract I]] (pass/fail) | 08.09 | ^W2^^^^^^^ | Mon 01.09.2008 | 14:40 - 17:05 | KRÞ | Writing Papers: Related Work, Refs \\ Review:P1 | [[rem4:Related Work, References]] (5%) | [[rem4:P3. Write an Abstract for your topic]] (5%) \\ [[rem4:P4. Find paper to use as a template for your own]] | 15.09 | | Wed 03.09.2008 | 15:30 - 17:05 | BÞJ | Using LateX for writing scientific papers | [[rem4:LateX]] | | | ^W3^^^^^^^ | Mon 08.09.2008 | 14:40 - 17:05 | KRÞ | Review:P2a, P2b | [[rem4:Philosophy of Science I]] \\ IRPS:pp.19-37 | [[rem4:P5. Introduction]] (5%) | 22.09 | | Wed 10.09.2008 | 15:30 - 17:05 | GRJ | Thesis Writing | {{public:t-701-rem4:thesiswriting.ppt|Slides}} \\ RM:Ch. 17 | | | ^W4^^^^^^^ | Mon 15.09.2008 | 14:40 - 17:05 | KRÞ | No Class | | | | | Wed 17.09.2008 | 15:30 - 17:05 | KRÞ | Experimental Design \\ Review:P3 | [[REM4:Experimental Designs I]] \\ RM:Chs. 7,8 | [[REM4:P6. Related Work and References]] (5%) | 29.09 | ^W5^^^^^^^ | Mon 22.09.2008 | 14:40 - 17:05 | GRJ | LaTeX | {{public:t-701-rem4:latex.ppt|Slides}} | | | | Wed 24.09.2008 | 15:30 - 17:05 | GRJ | LaTeX - hands-on \\ Review:P5 | | | | ^W6^^^^^^^ | Mon 29.09.2008 | 14:40 - 17:05 | GRJ | Graphing and data presentation | MR:Chs. 15,16 | | | | Wed 01.10.2008 | 15:30 - 17:05 | GRJ | Review:P6 | | | | ^W7^^^^^^^ | Mon 06.10.2008 | 14:40 - 17:05 | - | Reading Week - No Classes | - | - | - | | Wed 08.10.2008 | 15:30 - 17:05 | - | Reading Week - No Classes | - | - | - | ^W8^^^^^^^ | Mon 13.10.2008 | 14:40 - 17:05 | KRÞ | Experimental Designs \\ Review:P6. Related Work & References | [[REM4:Experimental Designs II]] | [[rem4:P7. Contribution, Results]] (5%) | 20.10 | | Wed 15.10.2008 | 15:30 - 17:05 | KRÞ | Stats: T-test and linear models | [[REM4:T-Tests and Linear Models]] | | | ^W9^^^^^^^ | Mon 20.10.2008 | 14:40 - 17:05 | KRÞ | - no class - | | | | | Wed 22.10.2008 | 15:30 - 17:05 | | Stats: T-test and linear models (cont.) \\ Philosophy of Science | [[REM4:T-Tests and Linear Models]] \\ [[rem4:Philosophy of Science II]] \\ IRPS:pp.38-65 | | | ^W10^^^^^^^ | Mon 27.10.2008 | 14:40 - 17:05 | KRÞ | Research Environment:Grants & Authorship \\ Review:P7 | [[Research Environments]] | [[rem4:P8. Conclusions]] (5%) | 03.11 | | Wed 29.10.2008 | 15:30 - 17:05 | KRÞ | Scales and data display | [[Scales & Display of Data]] \\ MR:Ch.5,16 | | | ^W11^^^^^^^ | Mon 03.11.2008 | 14:40 - 17:05 | KRÞ | Reviewing Scientific Papers | [[REM4:Reviewing Scientific Papers]] | [[rem4:P9. Full paper]] (5%) | 10.11 | | Wed 05.11.2008 | 15:30 - 17:05 | GRJ | Presenting Your Work | | | | ^W12^^^^^^^ | Mon 10.11.2008 | 14:40 - 17:05 | KRÞ | - no class - | | | | | Wed 12.11.2008 | 15:30 - 17:05 | GRJ | Science Ethics \\ Student Review of Full Paper | [[rem4:Science Ethics]] | [[rem4:P10. Final Full Paper]] (15%) | 24.11 | ^W13^^^^^^^ | Mon 17.11.2008 | 14:40 - 17:05 | KRÞ | Teacher's Review of Full Papers | | [[rem4:student presentations]] | 19.11 | | Wed 19.11.2008 | 15:30 - 17:05 | KRÞ | Student Paper Presentations | | | | ^W14^^^^^^^ | Mon 24.11.2008 | 14:40 - 17:05 | KRÞ | Student Paper Presentations | | | | | Wed 26.11.2008 | 15:30 - 17:05 | KRÞ | Philosophy of Science | IRPS:Chs. 17,18,19,20 \\ [[rem4:Philosophy of Science III]] | | | ^^^^^^^^^