======T-701-REM4 Research Methodology / Aðferðafræði Rannsókna====== **Instructors**: Ari K. Jónsson, Helgi Þórsson, Ásrún Matthíasdóttir, Björn Þór Jónsson, Kristinn R. Þórisson \\ **Classroom**: K-22 [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/thorisson/courses/h2006/methodology/#courseoutline|Thorisson's 2006 slides]] Note to students: If you feel this page is not updated frequently enough, complain to the responsible teacher(s)! ===== Classes ===== ^Date^Time^Who^Topic^Material^Assignment^Due^ | Mo 20.08.2007 | 13:50 - 15:25 | AKJ,KRÞ| [[Course overview, Writing papers]] | | [[P1. Pick topic for your paper]] | 3.09 | | Mo 20.08.2007 | 15:30 - 17:05 | ÁM | Pedagogy | | | | | Fr 24.08.2007 | 10:05 - 11:40 | HÞ | Stats | [[S1. Introduction to Statistics]] | | | ^W2^^^^^^ | Mo 27.08.2007 | 13:50 - 15:25 | AKJ | {{public:t-701-rem4:fyrirlestur_27.8.pdf|Writing Papers and Abstracts}} | | [[P2. Good/Bad Abstract]] (pass/fail) | 3.09 | | Mo 27.08.2007 | 15:30 - 17:05 | HÞ | Stats | ISwR Ch. 01| | | | Fr 31.08.2007 | 10:05 - 11:40 | BÞJ | [[LateX]] | | | | ^W3^^^^^^ | Mo 03.09.2007 | 13:50 - 15:25 | HÞ | ISwR Ch.02 | {{public:t-701-rem4:t-701-rem-4_week_3_statistics.pdf|Note on this week's work}} | | | | Mo 03.09.2007 | 15:30 - 17:05 | HÞ | | Typical values and variability {{public:t-701-rem4:typicalvalues.pdf|PDF}} Latex source in Myschool| | | | Fr 07.09.2007 | 10:05 - 11:40 | AKJ | {{public:t-701-rem4:fyrirlestur_7.9.2007.pdf|Introduction, Related Work}}; {{public:t-701-rem4:review_7.9.2007.pdf|Review P2}}| [[http://www.sigplan.org/conferences/author-info/vanLeunenLipton.html|How to have your abstract rejected]] | [[P3. Write an Abstract]] \\ [[P4. Find paper to use as a template for your own]] | 14.09 | ^W4^^^^^^ | Mo 10.09.2007 | 13:50 - 15:25 | KRÞ | [[Philosophy of Science I]] | | | | | Mo 10.09.2007 | 15:30 - 17:05 | HÞ | Stats | ISwR Ch.03 + | [[S4. Sample behavior of mean and median]] [[ S4. Hints ]] {{public:t-701-rem4:ritun.pdf| Notes on IMRD (IS)}}| 16.09. 13:00| | Fr 14.09.2007 | 10:05 - 11:40 | KRÞ | [[Philosophy of Science II]] | | [[P5. Write Abstract for your topic]] (5%) | 21.09 | ^W5^^^^^^ | Mo 17.09.2007 | 13:50 - 14:05 | AKJ | {{public:t-701-rem4:fyrirlestur_17.9.pdf|Conclusions and references}}, {{public:t-701-rem4:review_17.9.pdf|Review: Abstract}} | | [[P6. Write Introduction]] (5%) | 28.09 | | Mo 17.09.2007 | 15:30 - 17:05 | HÞ | Stats: Graphing and data presentation in R | ISwr Ch.04, Ch05 + | | | | Fr 21.09.2007 | 10:05 - 11:40 | AKJ | {{public:t-701-rem4:fyrirlestur_21.9.pdf|Main contribution section}} | | | | ^W6^^^^^^ | Mo 24.09.2007 | 13:50 - 15:25 | | | | | | | Mo 24.09.2007 | 15:30 - 17:05 | | | | | | | Fr 28.09.2007 | 10:05 - 11:40 | AKJ | {{public:t-701-rem4:fyrirlestur_28.9.2007.pdf|Reviewing Scientific Papers}} Review: Intro | | [[P7. Related Work, References]] (5%) | 08.10 | ^W7^^^^^^ | Mo 01.10.2007 | 13:50 - 15:25 | AKJ | {{public:t-701-rem4:fyrirlestur_1.10.2007.pdf|Experimental Science}} {{public:t-701-rem4:review_sheet.doc|Review Sheet}} | | | | | Mo 01.10.2007 | 15:30 - 17:05 | HÞ | Stats: T-test and linear models | ISwr Ch.04-06 ([[lab]]) corrected 2007-10-06 | | | | Fr 05.10.2007 | 10:05 - 11:40 | AKJ | {{public:t-701-rem4:fyrirlestur_5.10.2007.pdf|Experimental Science part 2}} | | [[P8. Contribution, Results]] (5%) | 15.10 | ^W8^^^^^^ | Mo 08.10.2007 | 13:50 - 15:25 | AKJ | {{public:t-701-rem4:fyrirlestur_8.10.2007.pdf|Research Environment}} [[http://www.cs.rice.edu/~vardi/comp601/case1.html| Authorship case]] | | [[P9. Conclusions]] (5%) | 19.10 | | Mo 08.10.2007 | 14:20 - 17:05 | HÞ | Stats: Linear Models, IMRaD | [[ IMRaD ]] {{public:t-701-rem4:imrd.pdf|}}| | | | Fr 12.10.2007 | 10:05 - 11:40 | AKJ | {{public:t-701-rem4:lecture_12.10.2007.pdf|Ethics in Science}} | | | | ^W9^^^^^^ | Mo 15.10.2007 | 13:50 - 15:25 | HÞ | Stats | | [[P10. Full paper]] | 26.10 | | Mo 15.10.2007 | 15:30 - 17:05 | HÞ | Stats | | [[Assignment 2 Elaboration of assignmt 1]]| 28.10. 21:00| | Fr 19.10.2007 | 10:05 - 11:40 | AKJ | No Lecture - Student Olympics! | | | | ^W10^^^^^^ | Mo 22.10.2007 | 13:50 - 15:25 | RJS| Rögnvaldur J. Sæmundsson: Nýsköpun | | [[P11. Final full paper]] (10%) | 02.11 | | Mo 22.10.2007 | 15:30 - 17:05 | AKJ | {{public:t-701-rem4:lecture_22.10.2007.pdf| Paper writing: Review}} | | | | | Fr 26.10.2007 | 10:05 - 11:40 | HÞ | Stats | ISwR exercises 5.1-5.4, 6.1, 6.4 | | | ^W11^^^^^^ | Mo 29.10.2007 | 13:50 - 14:05 | AKJ | {{public:t-701-rem4:lecture_29.10.2007.pdf|Presenting your work}} | | | | | Mo 29.10.2007 | 15:30 - 17:05 | HÞ | Stats | For privacy reasons, see Myschool for solutions of exercises. :!: Exam subjects of 2006 added to Myschool "Annað efni"| | | | Fr 02.11.2007 | 10:05 - 11:40 | AKJ | Student Presentations | | | | ^W12^^^^^^ | Mo 05.11.2007 | 13:50 - 15:25 | AKJ | | | | | | Mo 05.11.2007 | 15:30 - 17:05 | | | | | | | Fr 09.11.2007 | 10:05 - 11:40 |HÞ | Stats |[[Reading in Statistics]] | [[Ultimate note on statistical tests]]| | ^^^^^^^^