[[http://cadia.ru.is/|CADIA Main Page]] | [[public:t-622-arti-07-1:main|Old Intro-to-AI page]] ======T-622-ARTI, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, 2008-1====== **Course Head:** Kristinn R. Thórisson\\ **Instructors:** Kristinn R. Thórisson, Hannes H. Vilhjálmsson, Ari K. Jónsson, Yngvi Björnsson \\ **Teaching Assistants:** Gylfi Guðmundsson, Eric Nivel\\ **Classroom:** K4, Kringlan 1 Readings for each class are listed on the lecture notes page for each class. \\ Use the internal RU website for the course to return assignments. =====Readings===== * Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, by Russell & Norvig\\ * [[http://aima.cs.berkeley.edu/|Web page for book at Berkeley]] * Available at [[http://www.boksala.is/DesktopDefault.aspx/tabid-8/prodid-6390/|Bóksölu Stúdenta]] * {{:public:i-700-abms-07-1:intro_to_software_arch.pdf|Introduction to Software Architecture, Garlan & Shaw}} * {{:public:t-622-arti-07-1:brooks-1986.pdf|Brooks, R. A. (1986). Achieving Artificial Intelligence Through Building Robots. }} * {{:public:t-622-arti-07-1:brooks-robustlayered-aim-864.pdf|Brooks, R. A. (1985). A Robust Layered Control System for a Mobile Robot.}} * {{public:t-622-arti-07-1:funge_etal_1999.pdf|John Funge, Xiaoyuan Tu, and Demetri Terzopoulos (1999). "Cognitive Modeling: Knowledge, Reasoning and Planning for Intelligent Characters"}}. SIGGRAPH 99, Los Angeles, CA, August 11-13, 1999 * {{public:architectureofintelligence-chandrasekaran94.pdf|Architecture of Intelligence}} - Chandrasekaran & Josephson, 1993. =====Supplementary Readings (Ítarefni)===== * http://www.inl.gov/adaptiverobotics/autonomousbehaviors/index.shtml - Describes the use of Subsumption in a real system, with a bit of Fuzzy Logic thrown in for good measure. * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subsumption_architecture * http://www.inl.gov/adaptiverobotics/behaviorbasedrobotics/subsumptionarchitectures.shtml * [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast%2C_Cheap_and_Out_of_Control|Fast, Cheap and Out of Control]] (movie) * {{public:i-622-arti-08-1:brooks91intelligencewithoutrepresentation.pdf|Intelligence Without Representation}} - Brooks. * {{public:i-622-arti-08-1:brooks-intelligencewithoutreason-089.pdf||Intelligence Without Reason}} - Brooks. * [[http://geology.heroy.smu.edu/~dpa-www/robo/subsumption/|Tutorial on Subsumption]] =====Assignments===== The bulk of the projects in the course will center around a simple creature in a virtual environment. (The system used in 2006 year can be found here: [[http://www.mindmakers.org/projects/CADIAHexapod|CADIAHexapd]] -- feel free to familiarize yourself with it). [[public:t-622-arti-08-1:thought_questions|Thought Questions]]: weekly assignments for each topic where you write a question about the reading material. The topic of the TQs is the coming week's lecture topics, unless otherwise noted. \\ (Please note that submission of all Thought Question assignments during the course is a prerequisite for taking the final test and thus a prerequisite for finishing the course.) ^Assignment^ ID ^Description^ Material ^Resources^Assigned^Due^Weight^ |[[Program Subsumption]]|PROG:Subsump|Subsumption architecture with perception & motion control | [[public:t-622-arti-08-1:CADIARover|CADIARover page]], Brooks, Subsumption Arch. | | Mo Feb 11 | Mo Feb 18 |5%| |[[Program Planning]] |PROG:Plan | | | | Th Feb 21 | We Mar 05 |5%| |[[Homework Learning]] |HW:Learn | | R&N Ch. 18 and 20.5 | | We Feb 27 | We Mar 04 |4%| |[[Homework Logic]] |HW:Logic | | R&N Ch. 7 and 8 | | Th Jan 24 | Mo Feb 4 |3%| |[[Program Search]] |PROG:Search | | R&N Ch. 3 and 4 | | We Feb 06 | We Feb 13 |4%| |[[Final Project]] |Final Proj. |Agent for final competition| [[public:t-622-arti-08-1:CADIARover|CADIARover page]] and Everything | | We Mar 12 | Th Mar 27 |26%| ^ Total 47% ^^^^^^^^ * Final Project Competition Committee: The role of the committee is to manage the final project competition. It will consist of one teacher and three students, to be chosen in class. =====Course Outline===== ^W#^Date^TOPIC (assignment)^Emphasis^Lecture Notes / Material^Who^Due^ ^ JANUARY ^^^^^^^ | 1 | Mo Jan 07|Agents, Perception, Action | Overview | [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/thorisson/courses/v2008/gervigreind/Agents1.html|Agents I]], R&N Ch 1, 2 | KRTh | | | | Mo Jan 07|Agents, Perception, Action | | [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/thorisson/courses/v2008/gervigreind/Agents2.html|Agents II]], R&N Ch 2 | KRTh | | | | We Jan 09| No Class | | | | | | | Th Jan 10|Schools of AI | Classical & Behavior-based AI | [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/thorisson/courses/v2008/gervigreind/Schools.html|KRTh Course Notes]], R&N Ch 2 | AKJ | | | 2 | Mo Jan 14|Perception I | Overview, Low-Level Vision | [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/thorisson/courses/v2008/gervigreind/perception1.html|Perception I]], R&N Ch 24 | KRTh | TQs:Perc | | | Mo Jan 14|Perception II | Low-Level Vision | [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/thorisson/courses/v2008/gervigreind/perception1.html|Perception I]], R&N Ch 24 | KRTh | | | | We Jan 16| LAB | Vision, Perc. in VR \\ Ch 24: Exercises 24.1, \\ 24.4,24.8,24.9,24.10 | | TA | | | | Th Jan 17|Perception III | Speech perc., Hearing | [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/thorisson/courses/v2008/gervigreind/perception2.html|Perception II]], R&N Ch 24 | KRTh | | | 3 | Mo Jan 21|Knowledge & Reasoning I | Propositional Logic | {{public:t-622-arti-08-1:aima-kafli7.pdf|R&N Ch 7.1 - 7.5}} | HHV | TQs:Knowl | | | We Jan 23| Knowledge & Reasoning II | First-Order Logic| {{public:t-622-arti-08-1:aima-kafli8.pdf|R&N Ch 8.1 - 8.3}} | HHV| | | | Th Jan 24| LAB (HW:Logic) | Knowledge & Reasoning | [[http://www.isi.edu/isd/LOOM/PowerLoom/|Powerloom]]\\ {{public:t-622-arti-08-1:ailab1worksheet.pdf|Worksheet}} | HHV | | | 4 | Mo Jan 28|Reactive Architectures I | Subsumption | [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/thorisson/courses/v2008/gervigreind/architecture1.html|Architecture I]], \\ Garlan & Shaw, Brooks | KRTh | TQs:Arch | | | Mo Jan 28|Reactive Architectures II | Subsumption | [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/thorisson/courses/v2008/gervigreind/architecture2.html|Architecture II]], \\ Garlan & Shaw, Brooks | KRTh | | | | We Jan 30| LAB | [[Subsumption Excercise I]] | | TA | | | | Th Jan 31|Search I | Overview of Search | | YB | | ^ FEBRUARY ^^^^^^^ | 5 | Mo Feb 04|Search II | Solving problems | R&N Ch 3.2 - 3.5 | YB | HW:Logic | | | Mo Feb 04|Search III (HW:Search) | Solving problems | R&N Ch 3.2 - 3.5 | YB | | | | We Feb 06| LAB | Search | | YB | | | | Th Feb 07|Perception III | Speech perc., Hearing | [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/thorisson/courses/v2008/gervigreind/perception2.html|Perception II]], R&N Ch 24 | KRTh | | | 6 | Mo Feb 11|Robotics | | [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/thorisson/courses/v2008/gervigreind/Robots.html|Robotics]], R&N Ch 25 | KRTh,EN | | | | Mo Feb 11|Robotics \\ ([[public:t-622-arti-08-1:program_subsumption|PROG1:Subsump]]) | | [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/thorisson/courses/v2008/gervigreind/Robots.html|Robotics]], R&N Ch 25 | KRTh | | | | We Feb 13| LAB | PROG:Subsump, HMMs | | TA | PROG:Search | | | Th Feb 14|Planning I | {{public:t-622-arti-08-1:lecture_20080214.pdf|Overview of Planning}} | R&N Ch 11 | AKJ | | | 7 | Mo Feb 18|Planning II | {{public:t-622-arti-08-1:lecture_20080218_a.pdf|Classical Planners}} | R&N Ch 12 | AKJ | | | | Mo Feb 18|Planning III | {{public:t-622-arti-08-1:lecture_20080218_b.pdf|Dynamic Planning and Acting}} | R&N Ch 13 | AKJ | | | | We Feb 20| LAB | Planning (preps. for PROG:Plan) | | TA | PROG:Subsump | | | Th Feb 21|Machine Learning I | Learning Methods | R&N Ch 18 | YB | | | 8 | Mo Feb 25|Machine Learning II | Decision Trees | R&N Ch 18, 20.5 | YB | | | | Mo Feb 25|Machine Learning III \\ (HW:Learn) | Neural Networks | R&N Ch 20.5 | YB | | | | We Feb 27| LAB | Learning, HW:Learn | | YB | | | | Th Feb 28|Fuzzy Logic | | [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/thorisson/courses/v2008/gervigreind/FuzzyLogic.html|Fuzzy Logic]] | KRTh | | ^ MARCH ^^^^^^^ | 9 | Mo Mar 03|Final Project design | | | KRTh,EN | | | | Mo Mar 03|Natural Language | {{public:t-622-arti-08-1:gg-nlp.pdf|Overview of NLP Systems and Problems}} | Skim R&N Ch 22 - 23 | HHV | | | | Tu Mar 04| Assignment due | HW:Learning | | YB | HW:Learning | | | We Mar 05| LAB | PROG:Subsump Presentation | | TA | | | | Th Mar 06|Natural Language | [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/hannes/publications/KBS2001.pdf|Conversation System: Rea]] | Skim R&N Ch 22 - 23 | HHV | TQs:Plan | | 10| Mo Mar 10|History of AI | The First 50 Years | R&N Ch 1, 27 & [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/thorisson/courses/v2008/gervigreind/Schools.html|Schools of thought]] | KRTh | TQs:History | | | Mo Mar 10|History of AI | The Next 50 Years | R&N Ch 1, 27 & [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/thorisson/courses/v2008/gervigreind/Future.html|Future of AI]] | KRTh | | | | We Mar 12| LAB \\ (PROG/HW:Plan) | PROG:Plan, Final proj.: Arch & Design | | TA,KRTh | | | | Th Mar 13|Uncertainty | | R&N 14,17, [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/thorisson/courses/v2008/gervigreind/Bayesian.html|Bayesian Networks]] | AKJ | TQs:Uncert | | 11| Mo Mar 17|Final Project | | | | | | | Mo Mar 17|Final Project | | | | PROG:Plan (midnight) | | | We Mar 19|Easter Holliday - no class | | | | | | | Th Mar 20|Easter Holliday - no class | Review | All | All | | | 12| Mo Mar 24|Easter Holliday - no class | Work on final project | All | All | | | | Mo Mar 24|Final Proj. | Work on final project | All | All | | | | We Mar 26| LAB | Work on final project | | TA | | | | Th Mar 27|Final Proj. | Work on final project | All | All| | | 13| Mo Mar 31|Final Proj. | Work on final project | All | All | | | | Mo Mar 24|Final Proj. | Work on final project | All | TAs | | | | We Apr 02| FINAL COMPETITION | Final Project Competition | NOTE: Prepare for as \\ long a session as is needed | All | Final Proj. (11:00 am) | *NB:This proposed schedule is subject to change at any time. =====Grading===== ^Part of Course^Total Weight^ |[[Thought questions]] & Class Discussion Participation | 10%| |Programming assignments (x3)| 14%| |Homework assignments (x2)| 7%| |Final project| 26%| |Final written exam| 43%| ^ Total 100% ^^