[[http://cadia.ru.is/|CADIA Main Page]] ======T-622-ARTI, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, 2007-1====== **Instructors: Kristinn R. Thórisson, Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson**\\ **Teaching Assistant: Vignir Hafsteinsson** Readings for each class are listed on the lecture notes page for each class. \\ Use the internal RU website for the course to return assignments. =====Readings===== * Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, by Russell & Norvig\\ * [[http://aima.cs.berkeley.edu/|Web page for book at Berkeley]] * Available at [[http://www.boksala.is/DesktopDefault.aspx/tabid-8/prodid-6390/|Bóksölu Stúdenta]] * {{:public:i-700-abms-07-1:intro_to_software_arch.pdf|Introduction to Software Architecture, Garlan & Shaw}} * {{:public:t-622-arti-07-1:brooks-1986.pdf|Brooks, R. A. (1986). Achieving Artificial Intelligence Through Building Robots. }} * {{:public:t-622-arti-07-1:brooks-robustlayered-aim-864.pdf|Brooks, R. A. (1985). A Robust Layered Control System for a Mobile Robot.}} * {{public:t-622-arti-07-1:funge_etal_1999.pdf|John Funge, Xiaoyuan Tu, and Demetri Terzopoulos (1999). "Cognitive Modeling: Knowledge, Reasoning and Planning for Intelligent Characters"}}. SIGGRAPH 99, Los Angeles, CA, August 11-13, 1999 =====Supplementary Readings (Ítarefni)===== * http://www.inl.gov/adaptiverobotics/autonomousbehaviors/index.shtml - Describes the use of Subsumption in a real system, with a bit of Fuzzy Logic thrown in for good measure. * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subsumption_architecture * http://www.inl.gov/adaptiverobotics/behaviorbasedrobotics/subsumptionarchitectures.shtml * [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast%2C_Cheap_and_Out_of_Control|Fast, Cheap and Out of Control]] (movie) * [[http://people.csail.mit.edu/brooks/papers/representation.pdf|Intelligence Without Representation]] - Brooks. * [[http://geology.heroy.smu.edu/~dpa-www/robo/subsumption/|Tutorial on Subsumption]] =====Assignments===== The bulk of the projects in the course will center around a Hexapod in a virtual environment. We are currently preparing software for use in the hexapod development. In the mean time students can explore [[http://www.mindmakers.org/projects/CADIAHexapod|CADIAHexapd]], the system from last year - the new version will follow this implementation closely. [[public:t-622-arti-07-1:thought_questions|Thought Questions]]: weekly assignments for each topic where you write a question about the reading material. ^Assignment^Code^Description^Material^Resources^Assigned^Due^Weight^ |Program 1|PROG1|Gate control & perception| - | [[Simple Psyclone Application|Simple example]] | Fri Jan 26|Fri Feb 02|5%| |[[Program 2]]|PROG2|2-level subsumption| Brooks | - | Fri Feb 02|Fri Feb 09|5%| |Homework 1|HW1|Solving problems with search|Ch 3 and 4| - | Fri Feb 09|Fri Feb 16|3%| |Homework 2|HW2|Knowledge representation and logic|Ch 6 and 7| - | Fri Feb 16|Fri Feb 23|3%| |[[Program 3]]|PROG3|Planning implementation|Ch 11| - | Wed Feb 28|Sun Mar 11|5%| |[[Final Project]]|FP|Agent for final competition| Everything | - | Wed Mar 07|Lau Mar 24|24%| ^ Total 45% ^^^^^^^^ * Final Project Competition Committee: Ingvar Ólafsson, Kristinn I. Pálsson, Guðni Þór Björgvinsson, KRTh, HHV, VH. The role of the committee is to define the rules for the competition of the final project. =====Course Outline===== ^W#^Date^Topic/Lecture Notes^Emphasis^Material^Who^Due^ ^ JANUARY ^^^^^^^ | 1 | We Jan 10| [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/thorisson/courses/v2007/gervigreind/Agents1.html|Agents I]] | Agents, Perception, Action | Ch 2 | KRTh | | | | Fr Jan 12| [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/thorisson/courses/v2007/gervigreind/Agents2.html|Agents II]] | Classical AI, Behavior-based AI | Ch 2 | KRTh | | | 2 | We Jan 17| [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/thorisson/courses/v2007/gervigreind/perception1.html|Perception I]] | Vision | Ch 24 | KRTh | TQs | | | Fr Jan 19| [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/thorisson/courses/v2007/gervigreind/perception2.html|Perception II]]| Speech recognition / hearing| Ch 24 | KRTh | | | 3 | Mo Jan 22| Lab session | Chapter 24 | Exercises 24.1, 24.4, 24.8, 24.9, 24.10 | VH | | | | We Jan 24| [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/thorisson/courses/v2007/gervigreind/architecture1.html|Architecture I]] | Subsumption Architecture | Garlan & Shaw (first half), Brooks | KRTh | TQs | | | Fr Jan 26| [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/thorisson/courses/v2007/gervigreind/architecture2.html|Architecture II]] | Blackboards | Garlan & Shaw (second half), Brooks | KRTh | | | 4 | We Jan 31| Lab Session | First programming assignmt. | | VH | TQs | ^ FEBRUARY ^^^^^^^ | | Fr Feb 02| [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/thorisson/courses/v2007/gervigreind/Robots.html|Robotics]], Review | Robotics | Ch 25, All | KRTh | PROG1 (5%) | | 5 | We Feb 07| Search I (glærur á MySchool) | Solving Problems | Ch 3.2 - 3.5 | HHV | TQs | | | Fr Feb 09| Search II | Heuristic Functions| Ch 4.1 - 4.2 | HHV | PROG2 (5%) | | 6 | We Feb 14| Knowledge & Reasoning I | Basic Knowledge Rep. and Logic | Ch 7.1 - 7.4 | HHV | TQs | | | Fr Feb 16| Knowledge & Reasoning II | First-Order Logic | Ch 8 | HHV | HW1 (3%) | | 7 | We Feb 21| Planning I | Basic Planning |Ch 11.1 - 11.2 | HHV | TQs | | | Fr Feb 23| Planning II | Dynamic Planning and Reacting | Ch 12.2 + {{public:t-622-arti-07-1:funge_etal_1999.pdf|(Funge et al., 1999)}}. | HHV | HW2 (3%)| | 8 | We Feb 28| Machine Learning | Overview of Learning Methods | Skim Ch 18 - 21 | HHV | TQs | ^ MARCH ^^^^^^^ | | Fr Mar 02| Natural Language | Overview of NLP Systems | Skim Ch 22 - 23 | HHV | TQs | | 9 | We Mar 07| Review | Review | All | HHV | | | | Fr Mar 09| [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/thorisson/courses/v2007/gervigreind/Bayesian.html|Bayesian Networks]] | Baysian Networks | TBD | KRTh | 11/3:PROG3 (5%)| | 10| We Mar 14| [[http://www.ru.is/faculty/thorisson/courses/v2007/gervigreind/FuzzyLogic.html|Fuzzy Logic]] | Fuzzy Logic | TBD | KRTh | TQs | | | Fr Mar 16| TBD | TBD | TBD | All | | | 11| We Mar 21| Lab | Work on final project | All | All | | | | Fr Mar 23| Lab | Work on final project | All | All | | | 12| La Mar 24| Competition | Final Project Competition | All | All| FP (24%)| | | We Mar 28| History of AI | History of AI | TBD | KRTh | | | | Fr Mar 30| Review | Final Course Review | All | All | | TQs: [[public:t-622-arti-07-1:thought_questions|Thought Questions]] =====Grading===== ^Part of Course^Total Weight^ |[[Thought questions]]| 10%| |Smaller programming assignments (x3)| 15%| |Homework assignments (x2)| 6%| |Final project| 24%| |Final written exam| 45%| ^ Total 100% ^^