==== Description ===== This module gets a text with markup (now only emph), synthesises it and creates a wave file for each chunk it receives. This module also aanalyses the synthesised speech and sends out timings for phonemes. ==== Functions ==== ==== Psyspec ==== Generates audio and phoneme data with timing from words. ==== Messages ==== Triggers:\\ RU.S1.Output.Plan.Task;\\ Description: Processes text and creates phoneme analysis and wave file for playback at a later time Hello folks, how are you RU.S1.Output.Plan.Task.Cancel Desription: Cancel all output Xml: (empty) RU.S1.Output.Action.Speech.ReplyTo\\ RU.S1.Output.Action.Speech.ReplyTo.Do\\ Posters:\\ RU.S1.Output.Plan.Task.Speech.Ready\\ Description: notifies that processing is done RU.S1.Output.Plan.Task.Speech.Done;\\ RU.S1.Output.Action.Speech.ReplyTo.Done;\\ RU.S1.Output.Plan.Task.Answear.Ready;\\ RU.S1.Output.Plan.Act.Speech.Timing\\ Desription: Phoneme timings sent to other modules when preprocessing for lip syncronization\\ Xml:\\ # w ai l dh ei d r e s t uh p i n f ai n k l ou dh z # ==== Implementation Remarks ==== The executables are located in the "roboradio/is/ru/cadia/roboradio/src/modules/executors/speech/SpeechPlanner" folder The same module is used for Speech_renderer and Speech_player but with different parameters To run the speech_renderer in Linux: ./speechplanner psyclone=localhost To run the Speech_player: ./speechplanner psyclone=localhost module=Speaker