[[public:sc-t-701-rem4-18-1:rem4-18-lecturenotes|<-BACK to REM4-18 MAIN]] ---------- ===== P7. Related Work & References ===== Continuing the construction of your own paper, write the related work section of your paper, and provide an initial list of references. \\ Keep in mind what has been said about related work and references, especially the **"potato stamp"** method! \\ Also note that these sections are likely to change as things move forward, but write these to your best ability **at this time** (short is best). \\ Please keep the number of references under 5 total. This section should not be longer than 66% of one page, 12 point font. You should create a file Overleaf for this - if you want comments beforehand you will have to make an entry on Piazza with a link to the PDF (I will not comment on LaTeX files). Submit as PDF as well as a URL to your Overleaf file \\ via Canvas Assignment System. \\ Please remember to include the TITLE, ABSTRACT, and INTRODUCTION in the PDF file. Use the AAAI LaTeX style to format your paper: \\ https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/aaai-press-latex-template/jymjdgdpdmxp#.WoV3VGaZPMU If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. \\ \\ \\ EOF