[[public:sc-t-701-rem4-18-1:rem4-18-lecturenotes|<-BACK to REM4-18 MAIN]] ---------- AS NOTED NUMEROUS TIMES IN CLASS, PLEASE FINISH P1, P2 AND P3 (AT LEAST 24 HOURS) BEFORE P4 IS DUE. \\ OTHERWISE YOUR GRADE FOR P4 WILL BE ZERO. ===== Write a (mock) Abstract for your Topic (5%) ===== This project is the first in a sequence of projects aimed at building up the paper you will work on in this class. Each submission counts as part of your project grade. The objective of this first project is to write an abstract for your article. It is what we call a "mockup (or "fake") abstract in a sense, because in practicality **you cannot really write the abstract before the paper is** (close to being) **finished**. This method of "writing the abstract first" -- a **mockup abstract** that is -- can nevertheless **help you focus** your paper and is highly recommended for anyone and everyone (even pros). **Please submit the final abstract THE CANVAS ASSIGNMENT SYSTEM as raw text -- by the announced deadline.** INCLUDE THE (MOCK) TITLE OF YOUR PAPER. If you wish to receive comments on your mockup abstract **before** you submit your final homework make sure to post an interim version on the course [[https://piazza.com/class/jc66ph15a9g2u?cid=7|PIAZZA]] WELL BEFORE THE DEADLINE. I will do my best to read and comment. (Please note that depending on my workload I may no be able to respond -- what I can promise is that I will do my best. Also note: the more days until the deadline for the assignment that I get it the more likely you are to receive such feedback from me. It is possible to submit updated versions of part with the next part. To do so you **must announce** this specifically as a **request for getting comments** on the improved version. However, the improvement will not change your grade but rather help improve the grade for the final two submissions, pre-final full paper and full final paper. -KRÞ