[[public:sc-t-701-rem4-18-1:rem4-18-lecturenotes|<-BACK to REM4-18 MAIN]] ---------- [[public:sc-t-701-rem4-18-1:rem4-18-Students who finished P3|List of students who finished P3]] ---------- ==== P3. Write an Abstract For a Prefab Paper ==== Write an abstract for [[http://cadia.ru.is/wiki/_media/rem4:buckingcopypastementality2012.pdf|this paper]]. \\ You MUST use the guideline from the REM-4 course (see [[public:rem4:rem4-18:abstract|here]]). * Consider the structure of a good abstract, the lessons you have drawn from looking at good and bad abstracts, and what you would need to say to make sure a reader becomes interested in reading the whole paper. * This assignment is pass/fail compulsory - which means you will not be allowed to start other assignments until you have passed this one, and you will continue to try until your instructor is satisfied (don't worry - it's worth the effort). * Submit in Piazza. \\ \\ POST ON [[https://piazza.com/class/jc66ph15a9g2u?cid=7|PIAZZA]] \\ \\