====== MMH Emphasis Points ====== I discussed with them several things raised by Halmos (placed in the context of CS rather than just math): * Distinction between pure and applied "math"; how it is reflected even in fields like literature (manuals vs. Shakespeare) or music (military marches vs. Mozart). * The objective of pure "math": generality, clean definitions, precision, elegance, logical analysis, non-trivial arguments * How doing "math" can be 'creative' and experimental * The necessity of commitment when it comes to research * Also classic Halmos teachings on how to lecture and how to write I then gave two examples of work that I have done: * First work, on approximating independent sets in graphs * Later collaboration on packet admission policies in networks, and how that can also be viewed as an online and distributed version of the independent set problem. I then asked them to suggest a problem to tackle. Freysteinn brought up solid-state memories, that are arranged into banks, where writes take much longer time than reads. We discussed for a while the possible problems and formulations involved, making limited progress but energetic discussion. \\ \\ //EOF//