===== P12. Full Paper Review ===== In this exercise you will review your fellow student's //P11-Full Paper//. The assignments will be done in-class. NOTE: You will be doing your fellow student a disfavor if you do not show up, so do your very very best to be present. Do unto others what you wish to done unto you. \\ **Read the below instructions carefully!** **Guidelines for how to review papers were discussed in class.** **The exercise will proceed as follows:** //As an author:// Share a link to an electronic version of your paper with your fellow student reviewer. Reviewer-author pairs will be determined by the teacher and assigned in class. This should be the version that you handed in as //P11-Full Paper//. //As reviewer:// When you receive the link to your assigned paper you can start your review. Do your best as to provide the author with **useful, truthful, and appropriately detailed feedback** on //any and all aspects// of the paper that you feel requires his/her attention for improving it. Your review should be returned in MySchool in a txt. file. You will give the paper **a grade** (list this at the top of your hand-in marked //'Grade: x,x'//). If you do a good job you may receive up to 5% "bonus points" for this exercise (as determined by the teacher, based on the quality of your review) - over and above the 100% that the other assignments in the class count. Note: Only those who show up for class are eligible to receive a bonus. (Note that while the assignment is listed as 0% in MySchool, I will manually update your grade with the extra points earned for the final score in the class.) \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ EOF