===== Conclusions & Future Work Section ===== === Conclusions === | Purpose | Summarize what the main contribution is, with appropriate mentionings of the method, result and assumptions (and possibly motivation, if this is important) | | Format | Short, concise - it is different from the Abstract in that most will have read (most of) the paper when they read this section. \\ | | What to avoid | Repeating verbatim something that was said earlier. \\ Being too wordy. \\ Saying something new that should have been in a prior section. \\ Not saying anything new (wrt the context, global conclusion, etc.). | === Future Work === | Purpose | To help those who want to continue the work understand what **you** would do next | | Format | A few sentences on what will be the follow-up to this study. It is customary to put mentionings of future work in the Conclusions section, not to have it be a separate section. | === Example === | Typical format | - Restate the problem/challenge (1-2 sentences) \\ - Restate what you did (1 sentence) \\ - Draw up the main conclusion, refer to your results \\ - Comment on the implications \\ - Tell them what would be done next | === Acknowledgment === | Purpose | To thank people, funding agencies, etc. that should be acknowledged but are not appropriate to list as co-authors. | | Format | Comes after Results, Conclusion. |